Steven doesn't know much about Dragon Boat Festival and Li Lei is telling him something about it.
Steven: I hear that there is a festival called Duanwu in China.
Li Lei: Yes. It is also called Dragon Boat Festival.
Steven: Why are you celebrating this festival?
Li Lei: We celebrate it to commemorate a great patriotic poet of China—Qu Yuan.
Steven: What do you do on that day?
Li Lei: We'll have rice dumplings. What's more, there are also dragon boat matches in some places of southern China.
Steven: I see.
How's the Dragon Boat Festival?
Well,I had a very good time.
What did you do that day?
We had a good dinner.We had some zongzi.It's very delicious.It was made by mother.
Oh,that's good.
Did you invite your friends tou your house?
Oh,yes.I invited my classmate Mike.
Did he enjoyed the dinner?
Of course,he did.
Good.I hope some day I can go tou your house to eat some zongzi.
OK,welcome.See you then.
See you.
A: Have you heard about the Dragon Boat Races to be held this afternoon?
A: 你知道今天下午有龍舟比賽嗎?
B: Yes, it is part of a holiday, right?
B: 知道啊,是為了慶祝什麼節日對吧?
A: Yup, Duan Wu Festival, but it’s also just simply called the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s among the three major traditional holidays celebrated by Chinese.
A: 是的,是端午節,不過英文中通常叫做龍舟節。它是中國三大傳統節日之一。
B: Other than the Dragon Boat Races, what’s special about this day?
B: 除了龍舟賽,這一天還有什麼特別的活動嗎?
A: Traditionally, it was thought to be a time for warding off evil spirits, but now it’s just thought of a time to remind family members to take care of their health.
A: 在傳統上,這一天一直被視為是驅凶避邪的日子,不過現在它的意義已經只是提醒家人注意身體健康了。
B: Sounds great! I think I’ll join in on the boat competitions.
B: 聽起來不賴!我想我會去參加龍舟比賽。
A: After you’ve worked up an appetite, you can eat Zongzi. Everyone eats them during the Dragon Boat Festival.
A: 等你划船累到肚子餓的時候,就可以吃粽子。端午節的時候大家都會吃粽子。
B: Eating is a really important part of Chinese culture, huh?
B: 吃真是中國文化中很重要的一部分,對吧?
A: Yes, perhaps one of the most important aspect. Don’t worry though; there are no surprises in Zongzi. They are just rice with either meat or sweet red bean paste wrapped inside. They are quiteyummy!
A: 沒錯,或許是最重要的之一。不過別擔心,粽子裡面沒什麼特別的東西,只是米飯包著肉或豆沙而已。好吃極了!
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