A: Where did you go this Sunday?
B: I went to the new zoo which was built recently in the city, and I had a good time. Have you ever been there?
A: NO, I haven't. What animals are there in the zoo?
B: Oh, there are a number of animals there--- elephants, kangaroos,bears,deers,hippoes all kinds of birds and so on.
A: So many animals. Which animal do you like best?
B: My farorite animal is a panda.It's cute and smart.When I saw the pandas, they were eating bamboos.What about you?
B: Erm... I like tigers and lions. They are scary but commanding.
A: So you ought to go to the zoo, the lions and the tigers are waiting for you.
B: Yeah, I will.
Costa: What are you going to do today?
Buba: I am going to the zoo.
Buba: I am going with Mimi and Chinchin.
Costa: Zoo? What kind of animals are there at the zoo?
Buba: There are lions,seals,kangaroos,monkeys and many more.
Buba: What do you see? Do you see the polar bears?
Mimi: Yes,I do. They are swimming.
Buba: What do you see?
ChinChin: I see elephants. They are taking a bath.
ChinChin: And I see giraffes. They are eating leaves.
Buba: What?That must be Costa.
Mimi: What is going on?
Buba: The monkey said... look!
Buba: Costa,Stop it!
Mimi: Hey,look! Do you see the kangaroos?
ChinChin: Yes,I do. They are bouncing.
Mimi: No, Costa is there.
Buba: Stop that right now! Costa.
Costa: Hahaha!
Todd: So, Phil, we both live and work in Japan. We're both teachers in Japan. Now are you homesick. Are there things that you really miss about England?
Phil: The thing I miss the most, and it's going to sound really sad, is my cat.
Todd: Oh, that's cute.
Phil: Yeah, I love my cat. I don't know why. I'm a bit sappy like that, so I really miss my cat.
Todd: Oh, well talk about your cat. What's your cat like?
Phil: My cat is black, very fat, very stupid like most cats but very lazy like me so we have a lot in common but just she likes to wake me up at six o'clock in the morning and I really curse her and hate her. Still, I can't be angry about it.
Todd: Yeah, right.
Phil: And sometimes she'll bring a bird in, and she thinks she's having a great present by brining us a bird and my mom gets really angry and...
Todd: Ooh! Wow! Your cats still primitive. It still goes out and kills birds.
Phil: Oh, yeah, yeah, and occasionally mice because we live in the country so there's a lot of animals nearby and my cat will always try and catch them.
Todd: Oh, cool... So what's your cats name?
Phil: Chaz.
Todd: Chaz?
Phil: Yeah. We got her from a charity called the Cat's Protection League in England.
Todd: Oh, I'm sorry. What's that? Can you explain?
Phil: The Cat's Protection League is basically, there's a lot of homeless cats in England. People abandon them because they can't look after them or whatever reason and they will take them in and they will give them food and try to find them new homes and we found our cat from there.
Todd: So you saved Chaz?
Phil: Kind of, yeah. I think we saved her. Maybe or maybe we condemned her. I'm not sure.
Todd: So, what's cool about your cat, Chaz? I mean, why do you have this bond with your cat?
Phil: I don't know. Maybe we're on the same level. We both like to spend our weekends sleeping all day and doing as little as possible, eating and sleeping so maybe we're just on the same level, but I'm not really sure. We're just both as stupid as each other I think.
Todd: So, you would say you're definitely a cat person and not a dog person?
Phil: Yeah, yeah. I like dogs but I think cats are actually more intelligent on a... like if you throw a stick for a dog, the dog will always fetch it. The cat will look at it and fetch your own stick you idiot.
Todd: That's true. That's true. Well, anyway, hopefully you'll be able to see Chaz soon.
Phil: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I hope so.
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