"6.6" teachers' day.
May 1931, educator, professor at the Centre College in Nanjing initiated the cool autumn, Cheng Qibao, drawn up in June 6th each year for the teachers' day.
"8.27" teachers' day.
In 1939, the Ministry of education of the Kuomintang government decided to Chinese educator Confucius's birthday in August 27th as the teacher's day.
"5.1" teachers' day.
1951, the Ministry of education of the people's Republic of China, the China National Federation of trade unions agreed that the teacher's day and the "May 1" International Labor Day merger together.
"9.10" teachers' day.
In January 21, 1985, the ninth session of the six National People's Congress formally adopted the State Council on the establishment of teacher's day of motion, and decided to September 10th as China's teacher's day.
We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teachers Day!我們送您一件小禮物,以表我們對您的感激之情。教師節愉快!
You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you. 您就象我們的家長,我們都敬愛您。
The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.——James Angel 教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何謀生,而是使每個人生活得更香甜。——安吉兒
We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness. 我們喜歡您做我們的老師,我們尊敬您、感激您。
This is Teachers Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers Day.
We are more thankful than we can express. 對您的謝意,我們無法用語言來表達。
To Buy a Video
Amos asked his mother whether they could have a video.
"I’m afraid we can’t afford one," sighed his mother.
But on the following day in came Amos, staggering beneath the weight of a brand-new video.
"How on earth did you pay for that?" gasped his mother.
"Easy, Mum." replied Amos, "I sold the television!"
”媽媽,這簡單,“ 艾曼斯回答。”我把電視機給賣了!"
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