No one teaches you how to be a good employee or manager. So what do you do once yougraduate with plenty of knowledge about your degree field, but a blank slate about how to pushthe needle in the office?
In these days of endless distractions from technology and too much to do, the workplacewinners are often those who can get the most done in the least time – in other words, the mostproductive.
Consider these timeless tips from business thought leaders on how new grads and veteran deskjockeys alike can give better on-the-job performance:
To have time for what matters, you must learn to manage minutiae. Many people think it isoptimal to juggle multiple tasks at once, but the truth is you aren't iron man. The brain has toswitch gears between tasks, and this lowers your efficiency and performance.
1.One of the biggest interrupters is technology.
Although tech-toys can sometimes help you do your job better, at other times they take youoff-point and off-task. Email isn't work. Stop checking your iPhone, Twitter, text and inbox allthe time, and you will automatically double your productivity.
Another tactic is to force yourself to eliminate all distractions during set periods during thework day. This means choosing some time blocks to silence email and cell phones, disable "push" notifications and turn off instant messaging. We mistakenly think that the mostproductive way to work is to be in constant communication with others. But it is onlythrough disconnecting and focusing that we can truly be our most productive.
2.Don't Major in the Minors
No matter what your job is, chances are you have too much to do in too little time. Without anefficient system for prioritizing your projects, you may quickly find yourself buried and behind.
You should make sure you don't neglect projects that you would prefer not to do. It is easy toback burner the undesirable tasks and those are the ones – always unfinished or rushed – thatget us into trouble.
Before you start your work day, think about what your high-leverage and low-leverageactivities are. For the low-leverage activities, such as sending an email, perfection isn'tnecessary. When you can accomplish these minor tasks more efficiently, you'll have the timeyou need to do those major tasks justice.
3.Use Reverse Technology
New grads were practically born emailing, and have no trouble with Facebook and texting. Butthese forms of communication are much more impersonal than what you can achieve byactually meeting with people.
You would often get frustrated after not receiving a response to an email for several days, forgetting that sometimes all it takes is a simple phone call or walking to someone else's desk toget answers.
Take the time to do things the old school way. Meeting with someone face-to-face does wondersfor working relationships.
4.Utilize "Mini-Mentors"
When you're just starting your career, it's unlikely you'll have a mentor, because it takesexperience in the workplace to develop true mentoring relationships. However, that doesn'tmean you can't find people to help you navigate your new job. It is suggested finding "mini-mentors" in your office – people who can help you with a small part of your job.
A mentor is not just that one experienced executive who has reached great career successes. They come in many shapes and forms. Try calling on specific mini-mentors for discreetprojects, like interviewing or salary negotiations. Having an expert to call on for these simplethings can help you accomplish more without always having to rely on help from your boss orone single mentor.
5.Unplug as Needed
One of the simplest and most effective ways to work smarter is by getting enough rest. Whilecoffee and sugar give employees a temporary energy boost, an adequate night's rest drivesefficient, high-quality performance throughout the day.
World class performers are aware that human beings need recovery strategies if they are goingto be at their best day in and day out. When it comes to getting big results, the best employeescut back on traditional work time to allow their creative minds to operate at greatercapacity.
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