


  A: The new receptionist is driving me nuts.

  B: How’s that? She seems very nice. Very businesslike.

  A: You haven’t heard her wicked laugh. It sends chills up my spine.

  B: You mean that hard-shell covers a sense of humor?

  A: Indeed, she actually has a wicked sense of humor also. I just wish her laugh was more pleasant.

  A: 新來的那個前臺真讓人受不了。

  B: 怎麼了?她看起來挺好的,做事有條不紊的樣子。

  A: 你沒聽過她可怕的笑聲吧?她的笑聲聽得我渾身發冷。

  B: 你是說她外表之下隱藏著幽默感?

  A: 事實上她挺幽默的,只是希望她的笑能動人些。


  drive me nuts: 把我逼瘋了;讓我受不了。

  businesslike: 有條不紊的,效率高的。

  chill: 冷氣,寒氣。

  spine: 脊柱。

  a wicked sense of humor: 在這裡的意思是a great sense of humor。Wicked願意是指邪惡的,但是在俚語中,它可以指好也可以指壞。在這個短語中,wicked相當於fantanstic, great。


  A: Hey, man, that’s a wicked haircut you got.

  B: Like it? I went to Scott’s barber, well, hairdresser. He is a big name around town in style.

  A: You mean Scott… butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth… Van Doren, the rich kid? His hairstyle is always so conventional!

  B: Yeah. Well it makes his hairdresser nuts too, but he does what his clients want.

  A: 嘿,你的頭髮剪得不錯嘛!

  B: 喜歡嗎?我是在Scott的理髮師那兒剪的,哦,我是說髮型師。他是這裡有名的時尚髮型師。

  A: 你是說Scott,那個假裝天真無邪的富家子弟Van Doren?他自己的髮型不過很一般嘛。

  B: 是呀,他的理髮師都要發瘋了,不過他還是回按照客戶的要求去剪。


  wicked: 在俚語中可以表示“好”,也可以表示“壞”。這裡是fantastic, great的意思。

  butter wouldn’t melt in one’s mouth: 形容一個人的舉止行為高雅得體,無可挑剔。常用來暗示某人自認為自己地位身份高,裝腔作勢。

  conventional: 普通的,常見的。