CC Cat was complaining about her new roomie with Buluo Tiger.
CC: I try to put up with Zhazha Rabbit, but I’ve had enough!
Tiger: You need to chill, what did she do?
CC: I am very self-disciplined and always try to keep our room clean but she is too lazy and all talk.
Tiger: It seems that you have a bone to pick with her.
CC: I have pulled my weight in being a nice roomie, every time when she forgot to flush the toilet or clean the seat, I did it for her. And I kindly remind her of that, but to my surprise, she made biting remarks and cried with a hurt look. Seems that I am the bully in the dormitory.
Tiger: Do you need me to talk with her. May be you need a fresh pair of eyes.
CC: No, just stay out of the mess, she needs to act her age, not her shoe size. Talking with her is like hitting my head against a wall. That’s the last straw. I can’t take it anymore. I’ll move out then.
Smart Sentences:
The finals are over and we need to chill.
Put up with sb: 容忍某人
All talk:講空話,乾打雷不下雨,光說不練
You can’t trust my brother’s promise. He is all talk.
Have a bone to pick with sb: 與某人之間有爭端要解決
It’s no secret I have a bone to pick with you.
Pull one weight:儘自己本分
Some countries have not pulled their weight in defeating the Terrorist.
Biting remarks: 會給別人帶來傷害的評論,反駁
He always says he’s just being honest when he makes a biting remark.
Act one’s age, not one’s shoe size:表現的像一個成年人,不要像小孩子。
The last straw:某人決定不讓事態繼續發展,那這就是別人所做的做的最後一件壞事了。
When you cannot tolerate one any more, tell him it’s the last straw.
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