


  1.accuse / charge

  accuse 和charge都有“指責,控告”之意,有時可通用,但結構不一樣。accuse不一定針對重大過失或罪行,其結構為accuse sb of sth。而charge一般用於重大過失或罪行,其結構為charge sb with sth,此結構還有“使某人負有……責任”之意。例如:

  例1:My father accused me of my being too careless. 父親責備我太粗心。

  例2:He accused me of neglecting my duty. 他指控我玩忽職守。

  例3:He charged me with neglecting my duty. 同上

  例4:Jimmy was charged with murder. 吉米被控謀殺。

  例5:He was charged with an important task. 他擔負有一項重要任務。

  2.add / add to / add up / add up to


  例6:At the end of the party, we added another program.

  例7:You needn’t add any water to the medicine.

  add to:增添。指增添喜悅、悲傷、麻煩等。例如:

  例8:His coming added to our trouble. 他的到來給我們添了麻煩。

  add up:加起來。例如:

  例9:Have you added up all the numbers?

  add up to:總計。表示加起來的結果,無被動結構。例如:

  例10:All the numbers added up to 100.

  3.advise / suggest


  例11:I advised his trying again. = suggest

  例12:I advised that we should try again. = suggest,虛擬語氣。

  例13:I advised him to give up smoking.

  例14:I advised him not to smoke.

  例15:Could you advise us on how to learn English?

  例16:Could you give us some advice on how to learn English?


  例17:We suggest having a meeting at once. = advise

  例18:We suggest that a meeting should be held at once. = advise,虛擬語氣。

  例19:His pale face suggests that he is in poor health. 他那蒼白的臉色表明他身體欠佳。

  4.agree with / agree to / agree on

  agree with:同意,贊成後接“人”或what從句作賓語;適合,適應;一致。例如:

  例20:I don’t quite agree with you.

  例21:Nobody agreed with what he had said at the meeting.

  例22:The weather here doesn’t agree with most of us. 這裡的天氣我們多數人不適應。

  例23:Your words do not agree with your actions. 你的言行不一。

  agree to:同意,贊成。指一方同意另一方的意見、建議、觀點、想法等。例如:

  例24:John can’t agree to Joe’s idea.

  agree on:對……達成共識。指雙方或多方對某事取得一致意見。例如:

  例25:Finally John and Joe agreed on the plan.

  5.allow / permit / let / promise


  例26:Who allowed you to leave the camp?

  例27:Smoking is not allowed here.

  例28:Please allow me to introduce myself to you.


  例29:He declared that he would permit me to do so.

  allow 和 permit 的含義雖然有所差別,但實際運用中兩者常通用。


  例30:Don’t let this happen again.

  例31:This is not allowed to happen again. 不說:This is not let to happen again.


  例32:They promised an immediate reply.

  例33:He promised to start at once.

  例34:I promised him to see to the matter right away.

  我答應他馬上處理這件事。不定式to see to 是主語I發出的。

  6.announce / declare


  例35:The government announced that the danger was past.

  例36:It was announced that the national science conference would soon be held in Beijing.

  另外,要表達“向某人宣佈某事”,應用announce to sb sth。後接to sb的動詞還有say,explain等。例如:

  例37:He announced to us the news and then said to us, “Now let me explain to you in details.”



  例38:The chairman declared the exhibition open. 主席宣佈展覽會開幕。

  7.answer / reply


  例39:“Tom!” No one answered.

  例40:Please answer the door-bell. 請去開門。

  例41:He answered that he knew nothing about it.

  例42:No one was able to answer him a word.


  例43:He replied to me, “I need the answer to the exercise.”

  例44:He replied that he would not go.

  例45:Not a word did she reply.她一句話也不應。


  例46:He made no answer / reply to his questions.

  8.appear / look / seem


  例47:This kind of apples appears good, but in fact it tastes sour.



  例48:You seem to have made the same mistake again this time.


  例49:It seems that it is going to rain soon.


  例50:What’s wrong with you? You look pale.

  例51:It looks like rain. 看來要下雨了。

  9.argue / quarrel


  例52:What are you arguing about?

  例53:I argued with him the whole day.


  例54:It’s unwise to quarrel with your boss about that. 為那件事同你老闆爭吵是不明智的。

  10.arrive / reach / get

  arrive,reach和get都有“到達”的意思。arrive通常與介詞at或in連用,它和reach是比較正式的用語;reach是及物動詞;get通常與介詞to連用,在口語中常用。arrive和get後接副詞如here, there, home等時,不用介詞。reach和arrive at還有“達成協議,作出決定”的意思。例如:

  例55:When we arrived at the station, the train had left.

  例56:At five, they arrived in Beijing.

  例57:The letter didn’t reach me until yesterday.

  例58:At what time did you get to the post office?

  例59:The two sides failed to reach / arrive at an agreement after several hours’ discussion.


  11.ask / inquire / question

  ask:問ask sb sth或ask sth of sb;請求ask sb to do sth;要,索取ask for sth。例如:

  例60:May I ask you some questions?

  例61:Why did he ask you to come again?

  例62:Did he ask for anything?


  例63:I have inquired of him whether he could help me. 我已經問過他能否幫我。

  例64:We must inquire into the matter. =look into,我們必須調查此事。


  例65:At first the girls read a chapter from their books, and then the teacher began to question them.

  例66:I question whether he was once questioned by the police.


  12.be about to do sth / be to do sth

  be about to do:即將,正要做……不加任何時間短語。例如:

  例67:We were about to start when suddenly it began to rain.

  be to do:計劃,約定;應該。例如:

  例68:We are to start tomorrow.

  例69:What is to be done next?下一步做什麼?

  13.be careful of / be careful with

  be careful of:小心,當心,留神,注意。例如:

  例70:The public were warned to be careful of rats. 公眾被警告要當心老鼠。

  be careful with:細心,注意。指細心地處理或對付某人或某事。例如:

  例71:You’d better be careful with your work / pronunciation. 你得注意你的工作/發音。

  14.be familiar with / be familiar to

  be familiar with:對……熟悉。例如:

  例72:Most of us are familiar with the pop star.

  例73:John was very familiar with this kind of situation.

  be familiar to:對……來說是熟悉的;為……所熟知。例如:

  例74:The pop star is familiar to most of us.

  例75:This kind of situation was all too familiar to John. =very familiar

  15.be known for / be known as / be known to

  be known for:因……而出名。例如:

  例76:Our town is known for its stones.

  be known as:作為……而出名。例如:

  例77:The town is known as a stone town.

  be known to:被……知曉,瞭解。例如:

  例78:The hot spring city is known to every one of them.

  16.be made of from / out of / be made into / be made up / be made up of

  be made of:由……製成。用於由產品可以看出原材料。例如:

  例79:The desk is made of wood.

  be made from:由……製成。用於由產品看不出原材料。例如:

  例80:Paper is made from wood.

  be made out of:由……製成。例如:

  例81:The desk / Paper is made out of wood.

  be made into:製成……例如:

  例82:Wood can be made into desks / paper.

  be made up:由……編成。例如:

  例83:Don’t believe him; the whole story was made up. 別信他的,整個過程都是捏造的。

  be made up of =consist of:由……組成。例如:

  例84:This desk is made up of / consists of twelve pieces of wood.

  17.be tired of / be tired from / be tired out

  be / get tired of:對……厭倦。例如:

  例85:I am really tired of your words! 你的話我聽膩了!

  be tired from:因……疲倦。例如:

  例86:I was so tired from climbing the hill that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. 我爬山太累了,所以頭一碰枕頭/一躺下就睡著了。

  be tired out:筋疲力盡。相當於be worn out。例如:

  例87:We were tired out when we climbed over the high mountain.

  18.believe / believe in / depend on

  believe:相信指信某人的言語;認為相當於be sure。例如:

  例88:Don’t believe him; he’s lying. 別聽他的,他在說謊。

  例89:I believe they’ll succeed in the end.

  believe in:信任指勝任某人;信仰指信仰真理、主張、宗教等。例如:

  例90:Don’t believe in him; he’s always lying. 不可信任他,他老說謊。

  例91:I believe what she said, but I don’t believe in her. 我相信她所說的,但我不信任她。

  例92:We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.


  例93:Most of them believe in God.

  depend on:信任相當於believe in或trust;依靠相當於live on;取決於。例如:

  例94:He is a man to depend on / believe in / trust. 他是個可信任的人。

  例95:Do you still depend on / live on your parents? 你還靠父母嗎?

  例96:Everything depends on the weather tomorrow. 一切取決於明天的天氣。

  19.borrow / lend

  borrow:借,借用。指借入,不帶雙賓語。結構:borrow sth from sb。例如:

  例97:Can I borrow your pen?

  例98:He borrows money from me frequently.

  lend:把……借給。指借出,可帶雙賓。結構:lend sb sth =lend sth to sb。例如:

  例99:Could you lend me your pen?

  例100:Will you lend your bike to me?

  20.bring / take / fetch / get / carry


  例101:Bring the book here tomorrow.


  例102:Don’t take the magazines out of the reading-room.


  例103:Go downstairs and fetch me some water.


  例104:She got him a good doctor. 她為他請來了一位好醫生。


  例105:He carried a bag of rice on his shoulder.

  例106:He often carries a pocket dictionary when he goes out.

