


  211 dozens of 很多的; by the dozen 按打計算

  212 draw a useful lesson from 從。。中吸取有益的教訓; draw back 往後退 ;draw up ***車輛等*** 開近;走近

  213 dream of ***about*** 夢想 dream of doing sth.

  214 dress sb./oneself; be/get dressed in ***+ 衣服或表示衣服顏色的詞***穿衣服 ; dress up 打扮

  215 drink up 喝光;drink to 為。。乾杯;have a drink 喝一杯

  216 drop in順便拜訪 drop in on/upon sb.順便拜訪某人; drop in at a place順便拜訪某地

  217 be drunk with 陶醉於

  218 due to 由於

  219 do one's duty 盡某人的責任; on duty 值班 off duty下班

  220 be eager to do sth. 渴望做 be eager for /about sth.渴望某物

  221 have an ear for music 對音樂有鑑賞力

  222 in one's early thirties 三十出頭

  223 on the earth 在地球上 on earth 究竟;到底

  224 in the east of 在。。。的東部***在該區域內***; to the east of 在。。以東***不在該區域內***;on the east of 在東部與。。。接壤***比鄰***

  224 further education 進修;生造 receive/get an education 受教育

  225 be of no effect 無效come into effect 開始生效; have an effect on 對。。。產生影響

  226 make an effort***efforts*** to do 努力幹; spare no effort 不遺餘力; without effort 輕鬆地

  227 be employed in 忙於***某事***; out of employment 失業

  228 at the end of *** 接時間或空間名詞 *** 在。。。盡頭***末尾*** ;in the end=finally=at last 最後;終於by the end of***接過去時間名詞*** 。。。到。。。結束時; make ends meet 量入為出; end up with 以。。。結束

  229 enjoy oneself=have a good time 過得愉快

  230 equip…with… 用。。。裝備 equip… for… 裝備。。以備。。之用;

  231 in error 錯誤地 fall into error 誤入歧途

  232 have a narrow escape 九死一生 ;escape punishment/being punished 逃避懲罰

  233 for example*** instance*** 例如; set an example to sb. 為。。樹立榜樣

  234 exchange sth. with sb. 與某人交換某物

  235 on exhibition 展覽中

  236 exist***lie*** in 在於; come into existence 產生;出現 ;bring sth. into existence使某物出現;產生

  237 expect sth. from. Sb.對某人給予。。的期望 expect too much of sb. 對某人期望過高;as might have been expected 正如預料 against/contrary to expectation 出乎意料 beyond expectation出乎意料***地***

  238 spare no expense 不惜代價; be experienced in 在。。。有經驗

  239 expose… to .使。。暴露在。。中; express an opinion 發表意見;express oneself 表達自己的意思

  240 keep an eye on 照看;注意 ;an eye for an eye 以牙還牙

  241 face to face 面對面地 lose one‘s face 失面子 make a face***faces*** 做鬼臉;in the face of 在。。面前 read sb’s face 觀察某人的臉色

  242 in fact=actually=as a matter of fact 實際上

  243 fade away 退色;消退 ;fail in 在。。。方面失敗 ;fair and square 光明正大的

  244 fall ill 生病 fall fast asleep 很快睡熟 fall behind 落後 fall off 跌落 fall over 跌倒

  245 be famous*** well-known*** for 以。。而著名; be famous*** well-known*** as … 作為。。而著名

  246 fancy oneself as 自視為; fancy doing sth. 想象做某事; have a fancy for 愛好

  247 far from 遠非;決非; so far 到目前為止; as far as 就;至於

  248 on the farm 在農場

  249 put on fat***weight*** 長胖

  250 find fault with 抱怨;對。。。挑剔

  251 do sb.a favour*** do a favour for sb.*** 幫助某人幹…

  252 in favour of 贊同

  253 for fear of 惟恐; in fear of 擔憂 for fear that 為防。。。起見

  254 feed oneself 自己吃東西;feed on***=live on*** 以。。。為食 feed up ***with *** 因多而厭煩 feed… to…用。。。餵養; feed…on/ feed… with 用。。。餵養

  255 feel like doing sth. 想要做 ;feel one‘s way 摸索著走

  256 at the fewest 至少; no fewer than 不少於; fight one’s way 開啟一條路 fight against/with 與。。戰鬥; fight for 為。。。而鬥爭

  257 figure out 計算出 figure on 料想;估計

  258 fill in 填寫 fill…with 用。。。把。。。裝滿 be filled with 充滿了

  259 find oneself 在不知不覺中猛然發現

  260 finish up 完成

  261 catch fire 失火; be on fire 著火; set fire to 縱火; make a fire 生火

  262 hold firm 抓牢 stand firm 站穩立場 be firm*** strict*** with 對。。。要求嚴格

  263 fix a date for a meeting 確定會議的日期; fix one‘s eyes on 注視; fix one’s mind/attention on 集中某人的思想/注意力於。。。

  264 be in flower 開花***狀態***; come into flower 開花***動作***

  265 focus one‘s attention/thoughts/efforts on 集中注意力於

  266 as follows 如下; follow***take***sb.’s advice 聽某人的建議; follow the example of 以。。。為榜樣

  267 make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人;fool sb. into doing sth.哄騙某人幹某事

  268at the foot of 在。。。腳下; rise to one‘s feet 站起來

  269 be for 贊成; be against 反對; for a time暫時; 一度 for one thing…for another 一方面。。。另一方面; for the moment=for the time being 暫時

  270 by force 強迫地; put…in***into*** force 實施; force sb. to do sth. 強迫某人做某

  271 forget +doing/having done/to have done 忘記曾經做過某事;forget to do 忘記要做某事

  272 forgive sb. for***doing*** sth. 寬恕某人幹

  273 fill out***in*** a form 填表;in the form of 以。。。形式

  274 the former…the latter 前者。。。後者

  275 be fortunate in 在。。。方面很幸運; try one‘s fortune碰運; make a fortune 發財

  276 be/feel free to do sth. 自由地做某事;be free from 不受影響 ;be free from danger 脫離危險 ;set free 釋放; get sth. for free 免費獲得某物; 免費 free of charge 在in one’s free/spare time 某人閒暇時間

  277 make friends with 與。。交朋友 be friendly to sb. 對某人很友好

  278 be frightened at*** of doing*** sth.對。。感到恐懼 frighten sb. into doing sth. 威脅某人做某事

  279 be made of由。。製成***看得出原材料***; be made from由。。製成***看不出原材料***;be made in 產於某地 be made up of 由。。組成

  280 in front of 在。。前面***在範圍之外***;in the front of 在。。。的前部分***在範圍之內***


  281 be full of=be filled with 充滿 ;

  282 for fun開玩笑 make fun of sb. 同某人開玩笑

  283 furnish sb. with sth.= furnish sth. to sb. 用。。。裝備某人

  284 in the future 在將來

  285 gain/lose weight 增加/減少體重

  286 in general 大體上

  287 get hold of 抓住

  288 get rid of 除去

  289 get along on 進行;相處

  290 get in a word 插話

  291 get down to sth.***doing sth.***開始認真幹

  292 get over克服;擺脫

  293 have a gift for 對。。有天賦

  294 give away 送掉;分發***獎品等***

  295 give in 屈服

  296 give off 發出***蒸汽;氣味***;

  297 give out 散發;分發

  298 give up 放棄

  299 give way to 讓位於

  300 give one‘s regards/greeting to向。。。問候***好***

  301 take/give a glance at 對。。。一瞥 at the first glance第一眼 glance at對。。。一瞥

  302 go on doing sth.繼續做同一件事情 go on to do sth. 繼續做另一件事情 ; go on with 繼續做某事

  303 be good at善於 be good for 對。。有益;for the good of 為。。利益 It‘s no/some/any good +doing sth.做***幹***是無******有用的

  304 graduate from 畢業於

  305 grasp at 抓住;beyond grasp 某人不能理解

  306 a great deal 大量 a great deal of +不可數名詞 a great*** good*** many+可數名詞的複數

  307 offer greetings to sb. 向某人致敬

  308 grow up 長大 ;grow into 發展為

  309 on guard 在崗上; keep guard 放哨

  310 guide sb. to a place引導某人到某一地方; guide sb. in***out***領著某人進***出***

  311 get into ***form*** the habit of 養成。。。的習慣; break away from a habit 改掉一個習慣; out of habit 出於習慣

  312 by hand 用手***工***; from hand to hand 從一人手傳到另一人手中;hand in 上交 ;hand out 分發; give***lend *** sb. a hand 給予某人幫助 on the one hand…on the other hand 一方面。。。另一方面

  313 hang on=hold on 不掛斷***電話*** hang up=ring off結束通話***電話***

  314 have a word*** a few words*** with ; 和。。講句話 have words with sb. 與。。。吵架 ;have much/nothing to do with 與。。。很有***沒有***關係

  315 from head to foot 渾身 head for 朝。。行走; hold one’s head high 趾高氣揚

  316 be in good***poor,bad*** health 健康***不健康***;heart and soul 全心全意 ;learn sth. by heart 記住某事 ;put one‘s heart into 用全部精力做某事

  317 can’t help ***to ***do 不能幫忙做 can‘t help doing 禁不住做

  318 say hello***sorry*** to sb. 向某人問好***道歉***

  319 help oneself to 隨便用***吃***;help sb. with sth. 幫助某人做某事; with the help of ***with one’s help*** 在。。幫助下;help out 幫助***解決困難***

  320 hesitate at/about/over sth. 對。。。遲疑不決 hesitate to do sth. 不好意思做某事

  321 on /for hire 供租用 ;

  322 hold back 阻止 ;hold on 堅持下去;hold up 舉起; 阻擋 take*** catch,get,seize*** hold of 抓住

  323 on holiday 在休假中 take***have/spend*** one‘s holiday 度***休***假

  324 be/feel at home 感覺舒適 ;on one’s way home 在某人回家的路上

  325 in honour of 為。。紀念。。。 pay ***give***honour to 向。。致敬

  326 in hope of*** in the hope of/in the hope that*** 懷著。。。的希望

  327 be in hospital 住院

  328 go hungry 捱餓 ;be hungry for 渴望

  329 hurry away*** off***匆忙離去; in a hurry 匆忙

  330 speak ill of sb. 說某人壞話

  331 impress***sth.*** on/upon***sb.*** 使某人對某物印象深刻;be deeply impressed by 對。。。印象深刻

  332 out of question 毫無疑問; out of the question =impossible 不可能

  333 increase to 增加到***指總數*** ; increase by 增加了***指幅度***

  334 for an instant 一瞬間 ;the instant*** 名詞片語當連詞用引導時間狀語從句 ***=as soon as一。。。就 。。。; in an instant 立刻;馬上

  335 instead of= in place of 代替

  336 intend to do sth. 企圖做。。。intend sb. to do sth.打算讓某人做某事

  337 with the intention of 抱有。。目的

  338 take***have,feel******no*** interest in 對。。感***不感***興趣 ; to one‘s interest使某人感興趣的是。。。 ; with interest 懷著興趣 ; be/feel interested in 對。。。感興趣

  339 introduce sb*** oneself *** to sb.else 把某人***自己***向他人介紹

  340 join…to… 把。。。和。。。連線起來; join up 連線起來 ;join sb. 和某人一起 ;join ***sb.*** in… 參加***某人***某項活動

  341 play a joke on sb. 開某人的玩笑; make a joke about sb. *** sth. ***以某人***物***為笑柄 ; make/take a journey to 到。。。去旅行

  342 to one’s joy 使某人高興的是..

  343 judge by***from*** 依據。。來判斷

  344 jump off 跳下***離***; jump onto 跳到。。。上

  345 keep back 阻止 ;keep..in mind 記住 ;keep out 不讓進入 ;keep up with 跟上 ;keep up 保持;繼續 keep watch守望; keep one‘s promise 履行諾言

  346 keep ***on*** doing sth. 繼續做某事

  347 kick off 踢落;

  348 of a kind 同一類的; all kinds of=of all kinds 各種各樣的

  349 get***fall***down on one’s knees 跪下;bring sb. to his knees 迫使某人屈服

  350 know of***about*** ***間接***知道;瞭解


  351 make oneself known to 向某人介紹自己

  352 to one‘s knowledge 據某人所知

  353 for ***through*** lack of 因為缺乏; lack in 在。。方面缺乏

  354 at large詳細地 ; by and large 總的說來

  355 to the last直到最後

  356 late***far/deep*** into the night 直到深夜

  357 sit/stay up late 熬夜

  358 pass the/a law 通過法律/法令;break the law 違反法律;go to law***against sb.*** 打官司

  359 lay the table 擺好餐具; lay aside 放在一邊; lay down 放下; lay off 解僱; lay stress ***emphasis***on 強調

  360 lead to 導致;通向 lead sb. by the nose 牽著鼻子走; lead the way帶路 ;lead sb.in doing 領導某人幹

  361 leak out洩漏 learn of ***間接***瞭解到

  362 in the least一點也不

  363 leave alone 別管 leave… for *** leave for***離開。。前往; leave out 省略; leave a message for sb.給某人留口信;

  364 give a lecture 做演講

  365 at length*** at last***最後

  366 attend one's lesson 聽某人的課; give sb. a lesson 給某人上課; teach sb.a lesson 給某人教訓; do one’s lesson 做功課

  367 let alone 更不用說; let out 洩露

  368 by letter 以書信形式

  369 at liberty 得到許可

  370 come back to life 復活;give one‘s life to 為。。。而獻身

  371 in line排隊; line up 排隊

  372 make a list 列表; as is listed above***below***如上***下***所列

  373 little by little 逐漸地 ;live through 度過 ;live out 活過***某一段時間*** live on 靠。。。生活

  374 as*** so ***long as 只要。。。 long after 在。。後不久; no longer/not…any longer 不再 It's not long before 。。。不久。。就 long for 渴望

  375 look about ***around*** 環視;look back upon 回顧;look down upon***on*** 看不起 ; look forward to***介詞*** 盼望;look into 調查 ;look on***upon*** as… 把。。。看著。。。 look out 當心 ;look through 瀏覽

  376 lose heart 失去信心 be lost in*** thought*** 消失在。。。中

  377 at a loss 不知所措 ; make up a loss彌補損失

  378 fall in love with 愛上。。。

  379 go mad*** crazy*** 發狂 drive sb. mad使某人發瘋 be mad about***for*** 對。。著迷

  380 be made into 制著成產品 ;find***meet*** one‘s match ***遇到***對手

  381 no matter what/how/where 無論什麼/怎樣/哪裡; in the matter of 在於;就。。。而論

  382 in the meanwhile=at the same time 同時;

  383 by means of 憑藉;用 ; by all means務必; by no means 決不; by this means通過這種方式

  384 meet sb’s wishes 達到某人的願望; meet with 遭遇意外;偶然碰到

  385 in memory***honour*** of 為。。。紀念 ; from memory 憑記憶

  386 as mentioned above 如上所述; not to mention 更不用說; make mention of 提及

  387 make a mess of 弄亂 ; get into a mess 陷入困境 ; in a mess 混亂,一團糟

  388 leave a message 留話 ; take a message for sb. 捎口信;

  389 in the middle of 在。。中間

  390 keep***bear*** sth. in mind 記住某事 ; call/bring sth. to mind 回憶某事 ;make up one‘s mind 決定***心***;speak one’s mind 說出心裡話; keep one‘s mind on 專心於

  391 the minute/moment…*** 名詞片語連詞用***=as soon as 一。。。就。。。

  392 make a mistake 犯錯誤

  393 mix up 攪和;混淆 ; be***get*** mixed up 混雜

  394 make***earn*** money 賺錢; collect money 籌款; save money省***存***錢

  395 more or less 或多或少

  396 many more 後接可數名詞複數; much more後接不可數名詞

  397 no more=not…any more 不再

  398 no more… than 用於表達雙方否定,“兩者都不”;not more…than 用於表達“前者不如後者”

  399 make the most of 充分利用

  400 ***all*** by oneself 自己

  401 by name 名叫 ; by the name of 以。。為名 ; in name 只在名義上; in one‘s own name 以某人自己的名義

  402 by nature 天生的

  403 there is no need to do sth. 沒有必要幹某事; in need*** of*** 需要

  404 no sooner… than= hardly…when ***用於倒裝句*** 一。。。就。。。

  405 not…nor…nor .. 既不。。。也不。。也不。。。

  406 lead sb. by the nose 牽著某人鼻子走; turn up one’s nose at 瞧不起; nose to nose=face to face 面對面地

  407not only…but*** also*** 不但。。。而且

  408 not… but 不是。。。而是 not… until直到。。。才。。。

  409 from now*** then*** on 從現在***那時***起 ;now that=since 既然;由於; by now 到現在;till now 直到現在

  410 take office 就*** 任***職; resign*** leave*** office 辭***離***職 ; in office 執政,任職

  411 once in a while 偶然

  412 one after another=one by one=one after the other 一個個地,一個接一個

  413 by oneself 獨自地

  414 be open to 樂意接受; come into open 公開; open up 開發;開闢

  415 have a good opinion of sb. 對。。。印象好

  416 in one‘s opinion在某人看來

  417 whether…or… 是。。。還是不是。。。

  418 or else= otherwise 否則

  419 in order 按順序

  420 owing to*** thanks to*** 由於