Hold On To Me
Tara Simms
Hold on to me
Let me comfort you when you hurt
Hold on to me
Let me love you when you hate yourself
Hold on to me
Let me help you through your trials
I am the joy in your smile
I am the tears that you cry
I am in every beat of your heart
Hold on to me.
Friendship is a Diamond
Friendship is a diamond
buried in the earth;
a treasure of great worth.
But first it must be mined
then faceted and shined.
It takes pick and shovel and strain,
encompassing time and enduring pain,
until its grace is seen;
a glittering gift of love
that's shared between we three:
First God,
and you,
then me.
----Sally J. Knower
Poetry and friendship
你看或者不看, You see or not see,
文章就在那裡, Articles there,
不增不減。 Not less than.
你讀或者不讀, You read or not read,
詩歌就在這裡, Poetry here,
不來不去。 Not move.
你愛或者不愛我, Do you love or not love me,
我的愛就在作品裡,My love is in the works,
不離不棄。 Not leave.
你想或者不想我, Do you miss or not miss me,
我也會照樣想著你,I still miss you,
不悲不喜。 Not sad not happy.
朋友啊朋友, My friend,
多讀書會有益, Read more would be beneficial,
如站在巨人肩膀, Such as standing on the shoulders of giants,
看精彩的世界, To see the wonderful world,
這樣非常給力。 Reading so that you have the power.
中途爬下來放棄, Half-way to climb down to give up,
不三不四。 So not perfect.
人生如夢, Life seems a dream,
生活如詩。 Life such as poetry.
或者, Or,
你還在尋尋覓覓, Are you still looking for,
請多讀我詩, Please read my poems,
你肯定不會迷失。 You will not get lost.
詩意的棲居, Poetic life,
默然的美麗。 Quietly beautiful.
知足,感恩, Contentment,Thanksgiving,
友誼,知己! Friendship, Good friend!
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