I Will Not Sit on Santa's Lap
I will not sit on Santa's lap.
You cannot make me sit on it,
and if you try I promise that
I'll throw a screaming fit on it.
I will not talk to Santa;
I am simply too afraid of him.
I'm not impressed by all the songs
and movies that are made of him.
It really doesn't matter that
he's generous and jolly too.
It doesn't matter if his chair
is decked with boughs of holly too.
It makes no difference that he's loved
from here to Ethiopia.
I cannot sit with Santa.
I've got Santa Claustrophobia.
Lefty the Lifter
Tonight I write of Lefty Wright,
a lifter slightly gifted,
who nightly lifted left and right
so deftly all he lifted.
Lefty lifted, on his left,
aloft a hefty crate.
Lefty lifted, on his right,
a slightly lighter weight.
So though Lefty lifted deftly,
shifting as he lifted,
Lefty, listing swiftly leftly,
drifted off a cliff did.
Rites were read for Lefty Wright
to Wrights he left bereft.
Despite his might, from quite a height,
yes, Lefty Wright has left.
Santa's Beard
He wasn't too good with a razor
and every time he would try
Kris Kringle would cut himself shaving,
so badly it caused him to cry.
The townspeople laughed when they saw him
with cut marks all over his face.
He felt so embarrassed and foolish
he'd lower his head in disgrace.
So one day he threw out his razor,
and all of the townspeople cheered!
No longer would Santa be shaving.
Instead he was growing a beard!
But though he has given up shaving
and grown out a beard white and thick,
most folks still remember those cut marks
and that's why they call him "Saint Nick."
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