
注音 ㄊㄨㄟ ㄐ一ˇ ㄐ一ˊ ㄖㄣˊ

拼音 tuī jǐ jí rén




⒈  用自己的心思來推想別人的心思;替別人所處的境地設想。

treat other people as you would yourself; do as you would be done by others; be considerate as to put oneself in the place of another;

將心比心:  拿自己的心去衡量別人的心,形容做事應該替別人設想。英put oneself in somebody else's position;

能近取譬:  謂能設身處地,推己及人。

設身處地:  假使自己處在別人的地位或境遇。指替別人的處境著想。英put oneself in somebody else's position; be considerate; be considerate to judge others as we should if we were in their places;

以己度人:  拿自己的心思來衡量別人;用自己的心思(多指不好的)去猜度別人。例聖人以己度人者也,以心度心,以情度情,以類度類,古今一也。——漢·韓嬰《韓詩外傳》英judge others by oneself; measure others' corn by one's own bushel;

身臨其境:  親自到了那個境地,獲得某種切身感受。英be personally on the scene; go through the situation personally;