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拼音 zuì niè shēn zhòng
▸ 罪大惡極 ▸ 罪貫滿盈 ▸ 罪該萬死 ▸ 罪惡滔天 ▸ 惡積禍滿 ▸ 惡貫滿盈 ▸ 罪不容誅 ▸ 死有餘辜 ▸ 罪惡昭著 ▸ 惡積禍盈 ▸ 大逆不道
⒈ 罪愆之大,如水之深,如山之重。
英be sinful;
罪大惡極: 罪孽深重,惡貫滿盈。英be guilty of the most atrocious crimes;
罪該萬死: 極言罪惡深重,就是處死一萬次,也不足以償其罪。例奴婢們沒有進寢宮來重敷衾褥,這是奴婢們的罪該萬死。——《孽海花》英be guilty of crimes for which even death can’t atone; guilty of a crime for which it deserves to die ten thousand times;
罪惡滔天: 喻罪惡極大。
惡貫滿盈: 形容罪大惡極,就象錢串已滿,已到末日。英be guilty of the worst crimes; be replete with vices; be sunk is sins; face retribution for a life of crime;
罪不容誅: 罪惡極大,處死也不能抵罪。例本身所犯,罪不容誅,但留些陰騭與你們,子孫好承襲。——明·孫高亮《于謙全傳》英even death cannot atone for the offense; be guilty of crimes for which even death is sufficient punishment;
死有餘辜: 謂罪大惡極,雖死仍不能抵償罪惡。例(侯)覽之從橫,沒財己幸;(徐)宣犯釁過,死有餘辜。——《後漢書·陳蕃傳》英death will not expiate all his crimes;
罪惡昭著: 罪惡非常明顯。
惡積禍盈: 謂長期作惡犯罪,罪惡累累。亦作:惡稔禍盈。
大逆不道: 封建時代稱犯上作亂等重大罪行。例大逆不道,為天下所不容。英treason and heresy; worst offcnse;