



  Let me give you a piece of advice.

  I want to buy this car. ***我真想買這輛汽車。***

  Let me give you a piece of advice. ***我得提醒你一句。***

  Let me tell you something.

  I think you should know…小心!

  Watch out! *用於有險情時,“危險!”、“留神!”、“小心!”。

  Watch out! ***小心!***

  Thanks! You saved my life. ***謝謝你救了我一條命。***

  Look out!

  Be careful!

  Heads up!

  You'd better be careful!

  Please be careful! ***請多加小心!***

  You should be careful! ***你得多加小心!***

  You should watch out! ***你得留神!***注意腳下。

  Watch your step! *用於提醒地滑,看不清楚樓梯等場合。常用於公共告示。

  Watch your step! ***注意腳下。***

  Oh, yeah? Why? ***噢?是嗎?為什麼?***

  Mind your step.

  Be careful where you walk.

  Look where you're going.抓緊我。

  Hold on to me tight.

  Don't let go! ***別鬆手!***

  Hold me tightly.要提防著點兒他!

  Watch out for him!

  Watch out for him! ***要提防著點兒他!***

  Why? ***為什麼?***

  Be careful of him.

  Keep your eye on him.這裡有點兒蹊蹺。

  There's a little catch. *“小心有陷阱,圈套”。

  That sounds easy. ***好像很簡單。***

  Well, there's a little catch. ***可是,有點蹊蹺。***

  There's something to it.

  It's not as easy as it sounds. ***並不像聽起來的那麼容易。***三思而後行。

  Think twice before you do it.輕拿輕放。/動作輕點兒。

  Easy does it. *表示“要小心謹慎地處理”易碎品或貴重物。

  Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV. ***動作輕點兒,小心別把電視掉下來。***

  Don't worry. I won't. ***放心吧,掉不下來。***


  Be careful. ***小心啊!***