Twenty five words that every toddler should use have been listed by scientists.
The words and phrases, which cover toys, food, animals and, of course, include ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ and ‘bye bye’ are designed to detect youngsters who could struggle with words for years come.
Being slow to talk can also be a sign of deeper problems from deafness to autism.
The 25 ‘must have’words are part of a much larger list of 310 words that should be in a toddler’s vocabulary and designed to be ticked off in 10 minutes by parents.
這25個單詞或片語是最常用的也是應該最早學會的,Leslie Rescorla 教授稱如果小孩在24月內不能學會這25個詞語可能就是晚說話者。對於晚說話者如果孩子發育一切正常的話,家長不必恐慌,不過如果到了2歲半說單詞還覺得困難的話,家長可能就要考慮帶孩子去接受語言治療了,千萬別讓孩子拖著這種狀況一直到三歲。
媽媽 爸爸 寶貝 牛奶 果汁 你好 球 是的 不是 狗狗 貓 鼻子 眼睛 香蕉 餅乾 汽車 熱 謝謝 洗澡 鞋子 帽子 書 沒了 更多一點 再見