"Please be gentle with me, darling," said the bride on her wedding night, "I'm a virgin. "
"You're a virgin?" exclaimed her husband with surprise.
"But you've been married three times. "
"That's true. dear; but my first husband was an artist and he just wanted to look at my body;
my second husband was in advertising, and he would only tell me how great it was going to be;
and my third husband was a lawyer, and would always say, ”I'll get back to you next week. ,"
The priest was so concerned with the welfare of his pretty young parishioner that he invited her to his private quarters to discuss her confession.
"Now, let me get this straight," said the priest. "This young man you went out with did he put his arm around your shoulder like this?"
"Yes, Father, and worse. "
"And did he put his hand on your thigh like this?"
"Yes, Father, and worse. "
By now the clergyman was thoroughly aroused. He hiked the girl's skirt and gave her a vigorous humping. "And did he do this?" he inquired.
"Yes, Father, and worse, "
“ But what could be worse than what Ijust did?"
"I'm afraid, Father, that he gave me the clap."
The delighted young politician called his mother and reported enthusiastically,
"Hey, Mom, I just won the election! "
"Honestly, dear?" exclaimed his mother.
" Aw, Jeez, Mom, do you have to bring up something like that at a time like this?"
President Shrub was flying over the U. S. with hisstaff.
Suddenly he got a brilliant inspiration:
"You know, I think I'll just throw a fifty-dollar bill out the window and make somebody happy. "
"MrPresident,why don't you throw out five ten-dollar bills and make five people happy?"
suggested his celebrated Secretary of State Vice President Partridge caught on.
“Golly,Mr.President, why don' t you throw fifty singles and make fifty people happy?"
The pilot turned around and said, "Why don’t you just throw yourself out the window and make everybody happy?"
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