笑話是幽默的一個屬概念 ,具有幽默的一切特徵。笑話是民族特有幽默的一種形式。本文是簡短的爆笑英語笑話,希望對大家有幫助!
簡短的爆笑英語笑話:Real Play
When I taught the introduction-to-theater course at North Dakota State University, I required my students to attend the university theater's current production and write a critique. After viewing a particularly fine performance, one student wrote: The play was so real, I thought I was actually sitting on my couch at home, watching it on television.
簡短的爆笑英語笑話:The Nice Wedding Gift
We attended the wedding of an acquaintance's son. Because we did not know the young man or his bride, we decided to send them a practical household gift, a fire extinguisher.Apparently, the couple mass-produced their thank-you notes because we received a card saying: Thank you very much for the nice wedding gift. We look forward to using it soon.
簡短的爆笑英語笑話:The Advantage of Noise
Wherever I drove my old car over 55 miles per hour ,it vibrated terribly, so I decided to sell it. My first customer wanted to buy the car, and I battled with my conscience over whether or not to tell him of the vehicle's problem. Finally I did the right thing. Expecting him to drop the deal, I was surprised by his reply.
That's okay, he said. I'm buying this car for my daughter. If she complains about a vibration, I'll know she's driving too fast.
簡短的爆笑英語笑話:Who was the first man
A teacher said to her class:
“Who was the first man?”
“George Washington,”a little boy shouted promptly.
“How do you make out that George Washington was the first man?”asked the teacher,smiling indulgently.
“Because,”said the little boy,“he was first in war,first in peace,and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”
But at this point a larger boy held up his hand.
“Well,” said the teacher to him,“who do you think was the first man?”
“I don't know what his name was,”said the larger boy,“but I know it wasn't George Washington,ma’am,because the history book says George Washington married a widow,so,of course,there must have been a man ahead of him.”
- 簡短的爆笑英語笑話大全
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