a: she has a certain aptitude for math. when she was a teenager, she was already taking college level math courses.
b: i know! she really has made a lot of accomplishments in the field and her adeptness is amazing.
a: i think she was born with the ability to solve math problems. i myself have toiled year in and year out just to achieve the minimum adequacy.
b: well, her brilliance in the field of math is rare. you shouldn't compare yourself to her!
a: 她很有數學天賦,十幾歲的時候就上大學級別的數學課了。
b: 是呀!她在這個領域確實取得了很多成績,她的數學才能真是令人驚異。
a: 我想她天生就擅長解數學題。我自己努力了多年才達到最起碼的程度。
b: 她那樣的數學才華是很少見的,你不該拿自己跟她比!
a: margaret's flair for fashion design is a real talent.
b: her technique and workmanship are exquisite.
a: do you know what her qualifications are? did she receive a degree from a university?
b: her competence comes from many years of hard work and learning on the job.
a: margaret在時裝設計方面的才能真是一種天賦。
b: 她的技巧和工藝都很精緻。
a: 你知道她有什麼資格證書嗎?她有大學文憑嗎?
b: 她的這種能力是從多年的勤奮和工作實踐中獲得的。
a: i have a new strategy for getting better grades in school this year.
b: oh, really? what's your technique?
a: simple. i haven't used all my capabilities to date. i am going to try harder.
a: 我有個今年在學校裡得高分的新點子。
b: 真的嗎?什麼方法?
a: 很簡單。我意識到一直以來我沒有盡全力去學習,所以我要加倍努力。
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