So often, when I'm alone with my thoughts,
I feel your presence enter me
like the morning sun's early light,
filling my memories and dreams of us
with a warm and clear radiance.
You have become my love, my life,
and together we have shaped our world
until it seems now as natural as breathing.
But I remember when it wasn't always so -
times when peace and happiness seemed more
like intruders in my life than
the familiar companions they are today;
times when we struggled to know each other,
but always smoothing out those rough spots
until we came to share ourselves completely.
We can never rid our lives entirely
of sadness and difficult times
but we
can understand them together, and grow
stronger as individuals and as a loving couple.
If I don't tell you as often as I'd like,
it's because I could never tell you enough -
that I'm grateful for you
sharing your life with mine,
and that my love for you will live forever.
Surrounding you are angels,
They are there to guide your path,
If weakness overcomes you,
They'll give you strength if you will ask.
They are your protection
When life seems too hard to bear,
And though you feel alone at times,
The angels ... they are there.
Their faces may be hidden
And their voices you might not hear,
But they are ALWAYS with you,
Through your laughter or your tears.
They'll walk along beside you,
They'll guide your steps along the way,
They'll comfort you and hold you,
Protect you night and day.
They'll hold to your hand tightly,
They'll not ever let it go,
And they'll gently lead you forward,
Taking each step very slow.
For even as you slumber,
They watch closely over you;
They are there beside you
In each and every thing you do.
When life is overwhelming,
And your spirit has grown tired,
Know they'll be there for you,
To uplift and to inspire.
And when you're torn and lonely,
And you see no hope ahead,
Know that they will nourish you,
Your spirit will be fed.
And if there comes a time in life
That your heart has been broken,
Hear the words, "I'm here, my child,"
And know your angel has spoken.
For even in the darkest hour,
When all of hope seems gone,
They'll give you strength to live your life,
And desire to go on.
And if your faith in Heaven,
Should ever fade away,
They'll help renew your spirit,
And help you find your way.
Even though you're ever filled with doubt,
About the life you live,
Know that they are there to give you
All that they can give.
For you see, the Father sent them,
Because to Him, you mean so much,
That He sent them "just for you," my friend,
And your life, they will touch.
They will always be here,
They will "never" leave your side;
And upon their strength and guidance,
You always may rely.
Take comfort in their guidance,
Draw strength from up above,
And know that their sweet presence,
Is God's precious gift of love.
She was there at the beginning
When the world was new to you -
She was there to turn to happy times
Those when, you were hurt or blue.
She was there to listen to your thoughts
And when you asked, to give advice -
She was there to tell you, "Those don't match!"
Or, "Hon, you sure look nice."
She was there with you at nighttime
To help you say your prayers _
She was there to tell you, "It's alright."
When you had a dream that scares.
She was there at morning time
To get you up and out of bed -
She was there when you didn't feel good ***or did***
To say, "You'd best stay home, instead."
She was there when you were hungry
And when you had those dirty clothes -
She was there when you needed her
***How she knew? Only heaven knows.***
She was there at the beginning
And she'll be there your whole life through -
She'll be there in your mind and heart
Just like a mother is supposed to do.
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