It was a fine day. The trees were green, the flowers were red and yellow. A white lambwas playing in the fields. At that time, a wolf came and caught it. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb.
The lamb said, "I'm thin now, please come to eat me next time."
The wolf asked, "What your name ? How can I find you next time?"
The lamb said, "I'm Clever. When you came next time, call out 'Clever, Clever, come to me! I'm coming to eat you' and you can find me.”
The wolf said, "OK, Don't forget to come. I'm going to eat you next time."
"See you," the lamb said and ran away.
A few days later, the wolf came, "Clever, where are you? Clever, Clever, come to me! I'm coming to eat you." The lamb said from the sheep-pen, "I'm in the sheep-pen, how can you eat me? I'm 'Clever'. Last time if I was not clever, I couldn't run away from you, you might have eaten me. but now you can only go home hungry. Bye-bye."
A fox, seeing a fish cart coming, lay down and pretended to be dead.
The cart man, tempted by the idea of making some extra money by selling the fox's fur, picked up the animal by its tail and threw it into the back of the cart among the fish. Then heresumed his journey.
The fox ate his fill of the fish and jumped out of the cart.
A wolf saw him jumping out and asked him what he had been doing in it. The fox told him and also how he got into the cart in the first place. The wolf ran ahead and lay down before the cart path, pretending to be dead. The cart man was delighted to find another animal to sell, but he found the wolf was too heavy to lift.
So he pushed it into a sack, tied the sack to his cart and dragged it away.
:A bitter result 自食其果
A self-important lion in the jungle tried to make his mastery clear to all.
He was so confident that he paid no attention to the smaller animals and went right up to a bear. He asked the bear, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The bear replied, "Of course you are."
Then the lion asked a tiger the same question. The tiger replied with some reluctance, "Of course you are." And then he went to ask an elephant. But the elephant would not allow the lion to do so. He suddenly took hold of the lion with his long nose and bounced the lion against a tree, leaving him bleeding and badly shaken up.
When the lion finally got up, he blamed the elephant and said: "Even if you couldn't answer my question, it's not necessary for you to act so rough."
它非常自信,對較小的動物不屑一顧,而是直接去問一隻黑熊:“誰是叢林裡的大王呀?” 黑熊回答說:“當然是你呀。”
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