One day, at a farmhouse, a hunting dog saw a fox catching a fat hen. The fox held the hen in its jaws and ran off into the jungle. The hunting dog chased the fox who could not run fast enough because of the hen held between his jaws.
When the fox passed by a badger outside his cave, the fox put down the dead hen and said,“Brother Badger, I have stolen this hen from a farm. Would you please hide it in your cave first, and we can enjoy our dinner later together?”
The badger happily carried the big fat hen into his cave while the fox quickly ran off.
The hunting dog reached the cave and stopped when he saw some blood stains at the entrance.
The badger shouted from inside the cave,“Dear Hunting Dog, the chicken was stolen by the fox. I am not the one responsible!”
The hunting dog replied,“The fox was a thief but you are a greedy badger!”The hunting dog immediately went inside the cave and killed the badger.
One early morning, an old gardener found his garden in a mess and lots of his flowers missing. He was so angry that he shouted,“Who dares to mess up my garden? Who has done this?”
In order to protect his remaining flowers from being destroyed, he decided to lock the garden gate in the evening.
The next morning, the old gardener discovered some of his flowers missing again. The angry old gardener decided to find out how that happened.
When night came, he sat quietly to watch his garden. Soon he saw a tortoise moving slowly into the garden. Once inside, it opened its mouth so wide that it took only one bite to swallow the whole flower.
The gardener shouted,“I've caught you this time!”
The tortoise quickly said,“Please forgive me!”But the old gardener shook his head,“no way.”“My kind lord, if you really want to punish me,”continued the poor tortoise,“I will not resist because I am the one that is guilty. But, no matter what you decide, please do not drown me in the water. It is too painful to die that way.”
“Since you have destroyed so many of my beautiful flowers, I must punish you!”said the old gardener and he immediately threw the tortoise into a lake next to his garden.
After a while, the tortoise surfaced and swam about happily. The old gardener then realised that he had been tricked because the tortoise was not afraid of the water.
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