A wild donkey once met a tame donkey feeding on a hillside. The wild donkey was thin andsmall.
He spent his life out of doors, sheltering as best he could in the cold weather and eating thesparse hill grass all the year around.
He sometimes had to walk miles to find fresh water and at night there was always danger fromprowling wolves.
The tame donkey was sleek and fat. During the summer he fed on the rich meadow grasswhile in winter he was given corn and hay to eat.
There was always a pail of fresh water for him to drink and at night he was shut safely in astable. "How lucky you are," said the wild donkey, "I wish I could live like you.'
A few days later the wild donkey was once more foraging on the hillside. Looking down he sawthe tame donkey walking slowly along the road, carrying a heavy load of wood.
As he watched, the tame donkey paused to enrich at a thistle growing by the roadside,immediately his driver began to shout and to beat him with a stick.
I've changed my mind about your way of life, thought the wild donkey" .I see that you have topay heavily for the corn and hay they gives you.'
A man bought a Donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval.
Now the man owned several Donkeys already and he knew each one's character very well.
One of the Donkey was very strong and brave. Another was eager to please but quicklyexhausted.
One Donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as hepossibly could all day long.
When the other animals were being loaded up he always tried to be the last so that he wouldget the lightest load.
The man led the new Donkey into the stable yard. For a moment he stood sniffing at his newcompanions. Then, without hesitation, he trotted up to the lazy Donkey and began feedingcomfortably at his side.
Though it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new Donkey out of the yard,straight back to the market.
"You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, "said the merchant. "It is only ten minutes sinceyou bought him."
"I don't need to try him any more," replied the man. "I know just what he is like from the friendhe chose for himself.
Take him away and give me my money back. I can do without Donkeys like him."