國際貿易合同受國家法律保護和管轄,是對簽約各方都具有同等約束力的法律性檔案,是解決貿易糾紛,進行調節、 仲裁、與 訴訟的法律依據。接下來小編為大家整理了,希望對你有幫助哦!
contract 合同,訂立合同
contractor 訂約人,承包人
contractual 合同的,契約的
to make a contract 簽訂合同
to place a contract 訂合同
to enter into a contract 訂合同
to sign a contract 籤合同
to draw up a contract 擬訂合同
to draft a contract 起草合同
to get a contract 得到合同
to land a contract 得到***擁有***合同
to countersign a contract 會籤合同
to repeat a contract 重複合同
an executory contract 尚待執行的合同
a nice fat contract 一個很有利的合同
originals of the contract 合同正本
copies of the contract 合同副本
a written contract 書面合同
to make some concession 做某些讓步
contract terms ***or contract clause*** 合同條款
contract provisions/stipulations 合同規定
contract period ***or contract term*** 合同期限
contract life 合同有效期
to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以規定
to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明
to bring a contract into effect 使合同生效
to come into effect 生效
to go ***enter***into force 生效
to cease to be in effect/force 失效
to carry out a contract 執行合同
to execute/implement/fulfil/perform a contract 執行合同
cancellation of contract 撤消合同
breach of contract 違反合同
to break the contract 毀約
to cancel the contract 撤消合同
to tear up the contract 撕毀合同
to approve the contract 審批合同
to honour the contract 重合同
to annual the contract 廢除合同
to terminate the contract 解除合同
to alter the contract 修改合同
to abide by the contract 遵守合同
to go back on one's words 反悔
to be legally binding 受法律約束
to stand by 遵守
non-payment 拒不付款
to secure one's agreement 徵得...的同意
Additional Words and Phrases
contract price 合約價格
contract wages 合同工資
contract note 買賣合同***證書***
contract of employment 僱傭合同
contract of engagement 僱傭合同
contract of carriage 運輸合同
contract of arbitration 仲裁合同
contract for goods 訂貨合同
contract for purchase 採購合同
contract for service 勞務合同
contract for future delivery 期貨合同
contract of sale 銷售合同
contract of insurance 保險合同
contract sales 訂約銷售
contract law 合同法
to ship a contract 裝運合同的貨物
contractual dispute 合同上的爭議
a long-term contract 長期合同
a short-term contract 短期合同
contract parties 合同當事人
contractual practice/usage 合同慣例
contractual claim 根據合同的債權
contractual liability/obligation 合同規定的義務
contractual income 合同收入
contractual specifications 合同規定
contractual terms & conditions 合同條款和條件
contractual guarantee 合同規定的擔保
contractual damage 合同引起的損害
contractual-joint-venture 合作經營,契約式聯合經營
completion of contract 完成合同
execution of contract 履行合同
performance of contract 履行合同
interpretation of contract 解釋合同
expiration of contract 合同期滿
renewal of contract 合同的續訂
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