1. 對…殘忍 be cruel to sb.
2. 立方米 cubic meter
3. 對…感到好奇 be curious about sth.
4. 對…造成巨大損害 do great damage to
5. 處境危險 in danger
6. 過時 out of date
7. 在不久前,前幾天 the other day
8. 對…充耳不聞 be deaf to sth.
9. 對付,應付 deal with
10. 負債 in debt
11. 還清債務 out of debt
12. 做…有困難,難以… have difficulty in doing sth.
13. 應邀赴宴 be invited to dinner
14. 向四面八方 in all directions
15. 做出新的發現 make a new discovery
16. 正在討論中 under discussion
17. 洗盤子 wash dishes
18. 在遠方,在遠處 in the distance
19. 對…冷淡 be distant toward sb.
20. 對…有益 do good to
1. 因某事和某人發脾氣 be cross with sb. at sth.
2. 劃掉 cross out
3. 對…殘忍 be cruel to sb.
4. 立方米 cubic meter
5. 對…感到好奇 be curious about sth.
6. 對…造成巨大損害 do great damage to
7. 處境危險 in danger
8. 過時 out of date
9. 在不久前,前幾天 the other day
10. 對…充耳不聞 be deaf to sth.
11. 對付,應付 deal with
12. 負債 in debt
13. 還清債務 out of debt
14. 相反地 on the contrary
15. 失控 out of control
16. 與…談話;交談 have a conversation with sb.
17. 在…期間/過程中 in / during the course of
18. 被…覆蓋 be covered with
19. 因某事和某人發脾氣 be cross with sb. at sth.
20. 劃掉 cross out
1. 菸頭 cigarette end
2. 為…鼓掌 give sb. a clap
3. 接近 get close to
4. 一塊桌布 a table cloth
5. 一套衣服 a suit of clothes
6. 童裝 children’s clothing
7. 集郵 collect stamps
8. 產生,發生 come about
9. 偶然遇見或發現 come across
10. 走過來;長出,發芽,上升;抬頭 come up
11. 共同,共有 in common
12. 參加比賽 compete in a contest
13. 舉辦音樂會 give a concert
14. 條件是 on condition that
15. 祝賀某人 congratulate sb. on sth.
16. 相反地 on the contrary
17. 失控 out of control
18. 與…談話;交談 have a conversation with sb.
19. 在…期間/過程中 in / during the course of
20. 被…覆蓋 be covered with
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