MR SHELLI: I'd like to speak to Mr Kola of the National Bank, would you get him on the phone,please?
MARIA: Certainly, I'll do it at once, Mr Shelli. ***TO HERSELF*** Now what's Mr Kola's number? Ah,here it is …… five, three, zero,double six. ***LIFTS PHONE***
ROSE: Switchboard, can I help you?
MARIA: Good morning, Rose. Maria here.Could I have an outside line,please?
ROSE: Oh, hello, Maria. Hold the line a moment.***DIALLING***There you are, you've an outside line now, you can hear the dialling tone.
MARIA: Thank you. ***TO HERSELF*** Five, three, zero, six, six.***RINGING***
2ND OPERATOR: National Bank.Good morning,can I help you?
MARIA: Good morning, would you put me through to Mr Kola please?
2ND OPERATOR: MR Kola? Certainly. Who's calling him?
MARIA:Mr Shelli of Modern Office Limited would like to speak to him.
2ND OPERATOR: Thank you. Hold the line, please.***PHONE***
MR KOLA: Kola speaking.
2ND OPERATOR: Good morning, Mr Kola. I have a call for you from Mr Shelli of Modern Office Limited.
MR KOLA: Thank you, Operator, put him through, please.
MARIA: Mr Kola?
MR KOLA: Kola speaking.
MARIA:Oh, good morning, Mr Kola. Mr Shelli is calling you. Would you hold the line a moment please. I'll hand you over. Mr Shelli?
MARIA: Mr Kola's on the line now, Mr Shelli. Will you take it in here please?
MR SHELLI:Thank you Maria. Hello, is that Mr Kola?
MR KOLA: Good morning, Mr Shelli.
MR SHELLI: Ah, good morning, Mr Kola, how are you?
MR KOLA: Fine, thanks, and you?
MR SHELLI: Very well, thank you.
MR KOLA: I'm glad to hear it. Well, what can I do for you, Mr Shelli?
MR SHELLI: Well, I'm going to Europe next week and I'd like some travellers cheques. 7,000 dollars say…
MR KOLA: 7,000 dollars. Yes certainly I can fix that for you. So you're going to Europe, are you?
A: We can offer you this in different levels of quality.
B: Is there much of a difference in price ?
A: Yes ,the economy model is about 30% less.
B: We‘ll take that one .
A: Is this going to satisfy your requirements ?
B: Actually , it is more than we need .
A: We can give you a little cheaper model .
B: Let me see the specifications for that .
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