Learning tool
aid to learning
傳統的學習工具 Traditional learning tool
1. It is the perfect tool to complement the more traditional textbook learning.
2. A scrupulously maintained trader's spreadsheet is an active learning tool.
3. Multimedia can provide native - speaker models at the right level for daily practice.
4. Principally it is used as a learning tool to help in the understanding of relational databases.
5. Access to knowledge , course , a lot of ways, television, computers are good learning tools.
當然獲得知識的方法很多, 電視 、 電腦都是好的學習工具.
6. BBC Languages: A host of language learning tools and self - contained online courses from the BBC.
英國廣播公司語言: 東道國的語言學習工具和 自給自足 的網上課程由英國廣播公司.
7. Similar computer - based language tools already exist, such as those developed by Scientific Learning of Oakland, California.
類似的基於計算機的語言學習工具早已有了, 例如由加利福尼亞州奧克蘭科學學習公司開發的那些產品.
8. Mintels only! Mintel program is the only English learning tool installed in the ELD computer lab.
“只要敏特? ”敏特詞彙強化訓練程式是唯一安裝在英語強化中心的學習工具.
9. The piece of technology most important as a learning tool must be the computer.
10. It did not like now, various of study tools, such as magnetic tape, disc, computer, television.
不象現在有了許多的學習工具, 比如:磁帶, 光碟, 電腦, 電視.
11. How is a new user supposed to learn what butcons and other toolbar controls do?
如果新使用者想要學習圖示按鈕和其他工具欄控制元件,會怎麼樣 呢 ?
12. The configuration dialogs are better pedagogic tools, whereas the buttons provide immediate action.
設定對話方塊是更需要指導和學習的工具, 而按鈕提供了即時行動的可能.
13. We English learn the advanced science and technology as a tool.
14. I recommend that you learn to use this GUI tool.
15. This solution is an ideal tool for effective distance learning.
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