1. He is not in right now. 他現在不在。
2. No one answers in Mr. Scott's office. 史考特先生的辦公室沒人接電話。
3. He's here but he's not at his desk right now. 他有來上班,不過現在不在座位上。
4. He hasn't come to the office yet. 他還沒到辦公室。
5. I'm sorry, but he is out right now. 很抱歉,他剛才外出了。
1. He is off today. 他今天休假。
2. He's on vacation this week. 他本週休假。
3. He is on vacation until next Wednesday. 他休假到下週三。
1. He has gone for the day. 他已經回去了。
2. He's already left for home today. 他已經離開回家了。
3. He has gone home. 他回家了。
1. He's absent because he is sick taday. 他今天生病所以沒來。
2. He's on sick leave taday. 她今天請病假。
3. She's on maternity leave now. 她在休產假。
1. He's in New York on business. 他在紐約出差。
2. He left for New York on business until July 22nd. 他到紐約出差,要到7月22日才能回來。
3. He is on a business trip. 他正在出差。
I'll give her your message as soon as possible.
1. I'm sorry. Mr. Scott was transferred to our branch office.
2. Mr.Smith took over his job. I'll connect you. One moment, please.史密斯先生接替了它的工作。稍待一會兒,我幫你轉接。
1. He left this company last week. 他上個月離開這家公司了。
2. He is no longer at this company. 他已經不在本公司工作了。
1. Some of the pages of your fax are missing. 你的傳真少了幾頁。
2. We didn't receive the third page of your fax. 我沒有收到你的傳真的第三頁。
3. We dinn't receive your fax, would you please send it again? 我們沒有收到你的傳真,能請你再傳一次嗎?
4. Your fax isn't readable.傳真看不清楚。
5. Your fax is hard to read since the letters are too small.你的傳真字太小很難看清楚。
1. Would it be possible to see Mr. Scott sometime this week?請問這星期能否跟史考特先生見個面?
2. I'd like to meet you the day after tomorrow. 我想在後天拜訪你。
3. I'd like to talk to you about the new product. 我想要和你談談新產品。
4. I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Scott. 我想要跟史考特先生約個時間見面。
1. I'd like to cancel my appointment with Mr. Scott. 我想取消和史考特先生的約會。
2. Something urgent has come up. Could I postpone our appointment.發生了一些急事。我倆的約會能不能延期?
3. May I ask you to postpone the meeting until the day after tomorrow?可以要求你將會面時間延到後天嗎?
1. I'd like to make a reservation for a flight from New York to Boston on Nov.28th.
2. Could I get my seat assignment?
3. I'd like a window seat.
4. I'd like in the non-smoking section.
5. I prefer to sit by the window.
6. Do you have a seat on the flight after that?
1. 我想預定十一月二十八號從紐約到波士頓的班機。
2. 我可以指定座位嗎?
3. 我要一個靠窗的位子。
4. 我想要無煙區的座位。
5. 我想坐在靠窗位置。
6. 下一班飛機有位子嗎?
1. What's the department time? 起飛時間是什麼時候?
2. What time is the flight scheduled to leave today? 那班飛機今天何時起飛?
3. What's the check-in time? 何時開始辦理登記手續?
4. How long does the flight take? 要飛多久?
5. Is this ticket refundable?這張機票可以退票嗎?
1. I'd like to reserve a car for next Monday. 我想在下週一預定一輛車。
2. How much do you charge for renting a car? 租一輛車要多少錢?
3. I'd like to keep the car for one more day. 我要多租一天車。
1. I'd like to reserve a seat at twelve to London. 我想要預定一個座位,十二點開往倫敦的火車。
2. I'd like to book two tickets from Paris to London. 我要預定兩張從巴黎到倫敦的票。
1. Do you have a single room available tomorrow night? 明晚還有單人間嗎?
2. I'd like to make a reservation for a single room. 我想要預定一間單人間。
3. I prefer a room with an ocean view. 我想要一間可以看到海景的房間。
4. How about the room charge? 房間的費用是多少呢?
5. What's the price of a double room? 雙人間的價錢是多少?
6. Does that include service charge and tax? 包含服務費和稅嗎?
7. Do you accept VISA? 你們能接受VISA信用卡嗎?
1. Would you wake me up at six? 六點鐘能叫我起床嗎?
2. This is room 213. Could you give me a wake-up call at six tomorrow morning? 這裡是213房。明晨六點能請你叫我起床嗎?
3. I'd like a wake up call at seven tomorrow morning.明天早晨七點請叫我起床。
1. There is no water. 沒有水。
2. The toilit doesn't flush properly. 馬桶衝不下去了。
3. We need one more towel. 我們需要多加一條毛巾。
4. The TV doesn't work. 電視機不能看。
表示……壞了,可以用:something is wrong with~ 或 ~ be not working.
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