












  介紹了寫作詞彙的“備胎”後,我們言歸正傳,回到句型上來。首先是議論文的句型。議論文一直為寫作的難點之一,相比其他題材,它更需要精確的句式來進行客觀的闡明,而不是主觀闡述。但往往同學們會陷在以“I”, “we”打頭的句式中無法自拔。如何學會角度客觀呢?請看以下句式吧!

  1. It is considered /thought that 人們***有人,大家***認為

  2. It is generally /usually accepted /agreed/recognized that 普遍***一般,通常***認為

  3. It is believed that 有人***人們,大家***相信

  4. It is well-known that 大家知道***眾所周知***

  5. It is said that 據說***有人說***

  6. It is learned that 據聞***悉***

  7. It is supposed that據推測

  8. It is estimated/predicted/calculated that據估計***預計***

  9. It must be pointed that 必須指出

  10. It is reported that據報道

  11. It must be admitted that必須承認

  12. It will be seen that 可見***可以看出***

  13. It will be seen from this that 由此可見

  14. It is understood that不用說***都知道***

  15. It can not be denied that無可否認

  16. It has been proved/demonstrated that已經證明

  17. It may be confirmed that 可以肯定

  18. It may be safely said that可以有把握地說

  19. It is sometimes asked that人們有時會問

  20. It is expected that/hoped that人們希望

  21. When it comes to 要說到,要談及

  在四級寫作中,很多時候我們都需要提到自己的觀點,這時,同學們的頭腦裡估計會本能的蹦出 “I think”或者是 “in my opinion”之類的句式。如果這樣的話,請對這些詞說拜拜吧,因為,你已經不需要它們了。只要你願意,你將學會以下其他表達方式:

  1. I reckon, 用於闡述自己的觀點,比 “I think I”更正式。

  e.g. I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train。

  2. In my view,比 “in my opinion更正式,經常用於討論重要的事情。

  e.g. In my view, they made a huge mistake in not selling the company when they had the chance。

  3. It seems to me & All things considered,皆可用於仔細思考問題或局勢時。

  e.g. ***i*** It seems to me that they are spending more money than they need to attract new talent into the company。

  ***ii*** All things considered, I think we made a wise choice in recruiting James。

  4. If you ask me,用於當你的觀點於對方十分重要時;

  e.g. If you ask me, she has spoilt her children far too much。


  e.g. “If you ask me,…。。” “But I didn’t ask you….!”

  5. To be honest &To tell you the truth &To be frank,皆用於知道對方可能不喜歡你的觀點時。

  e.g. ***i*** To tell you the truth, your father was right when he said that you undersold the company。

  ***ii*** To be honest, I preferred it when you were blonde。

  ***iii*** To be frank, I thought her acting was simply terrible。

  6. Frankly speaking,更加直白的方式,用於熟悉的人。

  e.g. ***i*** You would use this expression to give your opinion in a more familiar and forthright way。

  ***ii*** Frankly speaking, I don’t know what she sees in him。

  7. Personally,這用於強調自己在闡述個人觀點時。

  e.g. ***i*** This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion

  ***ii*** Personally, I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behavior at the shareholders’ meeting。

  8. To my mind& As far as I’m concerned,皆可用於對方不同意你的觀點時。

  e.g. ***i*** To my mind, private education is better than state education。

  ***ii*** As far as I’m concerned, tennis is a much more interesting sport than football。

  這樣以來,除了“I think” 和“in my opinion”,你仍有N種方式可以用於陳述觀點,何樂而不為呢?