ascribe to
e.g. He ascribed his success to hard work.
attribute to
e.g. She attributes her great age to carefully planned diet. 她認為她的高壽是精心安排飲食的結果
result from
e.g. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. 反而,許多死亡和傷害在地震起因於下落的物件和大廈、橋樑,和其它結構的崩潰。
is associated with
e.g. No type is associated with the object, so you can modify this structure freely. 每個物件並不與型別相關,所以可以自由地修改這種結構。
arise from
e.g. It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this action. 預見這一行動可能產生的後果是困難的。
derive from
e.g. We have derived a great deal of benefit from her advice.
stem from
e.g. But if your problems stem from the nature of the work itself, then read on. 但是如果你的問題源於工作本身,那麼你就繼續讀下去。
originate from ***in***
e.g. The arguments against these techniques did not originate from my Administration. 反對使用這些方式的依據並非來源於本屆政府。
grow from
e.g. The idea grew from a remark made unthinkingly by chairman. 這個主意出自主席漫不經心的一句話。
a source of
e.g. In conclusion, our job is important. It is not only a source of income, but also a source of pride and achievement. 總之,完美的工作是很重要的,它不僅僅是收入的來源,也是自尊及成就感的來源
tend to
e.g. They tend to express themselves only after they know all the opinions. 只有在得知所有意見後他們才傾向於表達自我。
be prone to
e.g. Given that the liver can be prone to specific problems, there are ways by which you can avoid these problems.
be inclined to
e.g. Americans probably won't be inclined to make such commitments until they see improvement in the labor market. 美國人可能並不傾向於在他們在勞動市場上看到改善之前作出承諾。
have a tendency to
e.g. The numbers also have a tendency to swing wildly, as this week's trading has demonstrated. 這些資料還具有一種劇烈波動的傾向,這周的交易就證明了這一點。
e.g. One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes. 世界上1/4的人沒有足夠的住房。
e.g. There will be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun. 將會有充足的機會來放鬆、游泳和接受一些陽光。
e.g. Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash. 照明程度對無閃光燈攝影應該足夠了。
e.g. They had enough cash for a one-way ticket. 他們有足夠的現金買一張單程票。
due to
e.g. The traffic accident was allegedly due to negligence.
thanks to
e.g. Thanks to these donations, the poorest of the poor are receiving the best-quality medicines on offer. 由於做出的這些捐贈,窮人中的最貧窮者正在得到贈送的質量上乘藥品
owing to
e.g. Owing to the help from his comrades, he has made rapid progress. 由於同志們的幫助,他進步很快
because of
e.g. Because of the snow, the pilot had to land the plane at an airport in another city. 由於大雪,飛行員只得把飛機降落到另一座城市的一個飛機場。
be responsible for
e.g. Each student should be responsible for their own work and only their own work. 每個學生應當對自己的課業負責,並且只能是他們自己的課業。
by virtue of
e.g. By virtue of her individual drive and competitiveness, she has already ascended to the apex of the major leagues.由於她個人的努力和競爭力,她已經上升到網球運動聯盟的最高點。
in light of
e.g. Europeans will need to assess, in light of their geopolitical marginalization, whether the union really serves their interests, or whether they would be better off as separate states. 根據地緣政治邊緣化的現狀,歐洲人需要評估“歐盟”是否真的符合他們的利益,或者解散為一個個獨立的國家會更好一些。
e.g. Life is exceedingly brief. 生命是極其短暫的。
e.g. We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help. 我們特別感謝他的及時幫助。
e.g. Therefore, the funding for the park and museum should be increased significantly. 因此,撥給這個公園和博物館的基金應該大幅增加。
e.g. It will be necessary to pare this budget down considerably. 有必要大大地削減這筆預算。
e.g. But China, in fact, is enormously important to the world’s food supply, especially if something goes wrong. 但中國,對世界糧食的供應其實是非常重要的,特別是出現問題的時候。
e.g. This representation was overwhelmingly successful, and many of the top chess computers of today use this representation scheme because it optimizes the advantage of the 64-bit processor. 這種表示法獲得了壓倒性的成功,很多頂級國際象棋計算機都使用這種表示方案,因為它充分利用了64位處理器的效能。
e.g. Public panic always vastly increases the social disruption and costs of an outbreak, especially when tourism and trade are affected. 公眾恐慌會極大地加劇疫情對社會的衝擊和造成的代價,尤其是影響旅遊業和貿易。
e.g. The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty.
e.g. A major reason to do this is to enhance the opportunities for our students. 這樣做的一個主要原因是它可以增加本校學生的機會。
e.g. And there must be no doubt: As America’s first Pacific President, I promise you that this Pacific nation will strengthen and sustain our leadership in this vitally important part of the world. 毫無疑問,作為美國的首位心繫太平洋的總統,我向你們承諾,這個太平洋國家將增強並持續保持我們在世界這一極其重要地區的主導地位。
e.g. The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries. 會議討論瞭如何促進兩國的合作。
e.g. It will also boost our exports of airplanes, machinery, technology and other products. 它還將促進我們的飛機、機械、技術和其他產品的出口。
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