


  情景反應 根據你所聽到的句子,選擇恰當的應答語。聽兩遍。***5分***

  1.where did you go on vacation?

  2.what do you think of the people there?

  3.I am going to Hong Kong for a holiday tomorrow.

  4.What do you want to be when you grow up?

  5.Will there less pollution in the future ?


  對話理解 根據對話內容及問題選擇正確答案。聽兩遍。***10分***

  6.M: Do you watch TV every day, Lily?

  W: No, I only watch TV on Friday and Saturday nights.

  Q: How often does lily watch TV?

  7.M: How do you usually go to school ,Tom?

  W: I usually walk. I like walking.

  Q: How does Tom go to school?

  8.M: Do you want to be a pilot ,Bill?

  W: Yes, I am very strong, you know.

  Q: who wants to be a pilot?

  9.W: when did your sister become a reporter ,Peter ?

  M: After she left college.

  Q: what does Peter’s sister do?

  10.M: Does your grandpa often do morning exercises, Mary? W: Yes, he tries to keep fit.

  Q: why does Mary’s grandpa often do morning exercises?


  聽一段長對話,回答11-12 題

  M: Tina, are you going to be a doctor?

  W: No, I am going to be a reporter.

  M: Why?

  W: Because I like talking with people. It’s very interesting. M: How are you going to do that?

  W: I am going to practice writing and speaking every day.

  Question 11: what is Tina going to be?

  Question 12: How is she going to do that?


  聽一段長對話,回答13-15 題

  W: what do you think life will be like in the future, Tom? M: I think there will be fewer cars.

  W: will people go to work on foot?

  M: No, they won’t . Perhaps there will be more subways. People will use the subways


  W: I agree with you. So there will be less pollution.

  Question 13: Will people go to work on foot in the future? Question 14: will there be more cars or subways in the future?

  Question 15: How many people in the dialogue think there will be less pollution?


  短文理解 根據短文內容選擇正確答案。聽兩遍。***5分***

  Do you like robots? The robot only has a history of sixty years. But in the

  future, I think there will be more robots everywhere.

  Robots are good for human. They will help humans study, work and live. They

  can even do some dirty and heavy work better than humans.

  Robots will have many different shapes. They will look like humans, balls,

  snakes or other animals. The human robots can dance and sing, the ball robots can

  work like our astronauts in space, the snake robots can look for things under the



  1—5 BBACA 6—10 BACAC 11—15 ACABB 16—20 ABACC

  21—25 DABDD 26—30 CDBAC 31—35 CBCDA 36—40 ABCDA

  41—45 BCDAD 46—50 DCCBA 51—55 CCBDB 56—60 DDDCC

  61.doctor 62.junk 63.different 64.hardly

  65.improve 66.How 67.pollution 68.more

  69.the tallest 70.ate nothing 71.is going to 72.When will


  74.Students use them to study

  75.They use them to help teaching

  76.Computers can help people do a lot of work






