


  II. 聽對話, 然後根據問句選擇正確的答案。 ***5分***

  1. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15

  2. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren't. C. Yes, they do. D. No, they don't.

  3. A. Jack does. B. Jack is. C. Jim does. D. Jim is.

  4. A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A nurse. D. A student.

  5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. Excuse me. You may ask that man. D. Sorry, I don't know.

  III. 聽短文,將文中所空的單詞補充出來。 ***10分***

  Tom is from America. He's in China now. He's a Grade 8 student. He's__1__. He's my __2__ friend. We're in the same class. He sits __3__ me. We have __4__ good friends for one year. Tom has a __5__ face and a big nose. He has big __6__eyes. They make him __7__. He always __8__a pair of glasses. He is __9__. He __10__ like to be a computer engineer when he grows up.



  1.A.nearly B.neatly C.near D.clear

  2.A.clever B.hear C.clear D.dear

  3.A.change B.trouble C.chicken D.danger

  4.A.telegraph B.telegram C.photograph D.television

  5.A.called B.opened C.try D.try

  6.A.new ideas B.no idea C.oh,my dear D.have a rest

  7.A.in a moment B.in the moment C.at the moment D.just a moment

  8.A.turn down B.turn off C.take down D.take off

  9.A.double B.trouble C.travel D.trousers

  10.A.busy B.easy C.noisy D.lazy


  1.You are sitting so far.Can you hear me _______?

  2.I want to learn how to eat _______.

  3.She was so _______ that she couldn’t move.

  4.During his lifetime,Edison had 1093 _______.

  5.The policeman rushed out and carried the boy to _______.


  III. 聽錄音,選擇適當的句子補全對話。***5分***

  A. Do they love you?

  B. They have good jobs.

  C. What about your mother?

  D. Of course.

  E. what does your father do?

  Mike: Lisa, 1

  Lisa: My father is a doctor.

  Mike: 2

  Lisa: She is a teacher. What about your parents?

  Mike: My father is a cook. My mother is a nurse.

  Lisa: Do they enjoy***喜歡;享受*** their work?

  Mike: Yes, they enjoy their work very much. 3

  Lisa: 4

  Mike: 5 They love me and I love them.

  IV. 聽錄音,根據所聽短文內容完成句子。***5分***

  1. The speaker's pet is a _______ .

  2. The pet's is Xiaobai _______ .

  3. The pet has a long _______ .

  4. The pet likes to sleep on the speaker's _______ .

  5. The pet likes to eat _______ .
