Made in China
1. This ship was made in China.
2. This machine is made in China.
3. She bought a dinner set of Chinese make.
4. All of the equipment is made in China.
5. Features: Made in China 6 - cm - thick granite slabs laying sidewalks.
特色: 中國製造的6釐米厚的花崗石板鋪設人行道.
6. The iconic red Flyer wagons for children are now made in China.
7. The United States is pulling from their shelve toys made in china.
8. Meanwhile, President Gao put forward some good proposal to China Made - in - China Drawnet.
同時, 高總對中國製造搜尋網的工作也提出了一些很好的建議.
9. I hope any rescue machine is made in China!
10. All of the devices in the plant are made in China.
11. It'should more accurately read: " Made in China – by Hong Kong. "
我們應該更確切地把它 說 成是: “ 中國製造、香港經手. ”
12. Some are made in China and some are made in other countries.
13. Like most Chinese manufacturing companies, BYD excels in low - margin, high - volume businesses.
與大多數中國製造企業一樣, 比亞迪在低利潤率 、 量產業務中表現出色.
14. China makes the popular topic making argument of current all circles.
15. China, after all, puts out more carbon dioxide than America does.
畢竟, 中國製造的二氧化碳比美國製造的多.
1. 所有依照中國法律在中國註冊的企業都是中國企業,它們製造的產品都是中國製造,它們研發的創新產品也都是中國創造。
All the businesses registered in China according to Chinese laws are Chinese businesses whose products are all made in China and innovative products are all invented in China.
2. 與此同時,成年人用中國製造的電視機收看電視節目,用中國製造的播放器觀看DVD。
Adults, meanwhile, watch programmes on Chinese-made TVs, or DVDs on Chinese-made players.
3. 你又可以發現英語單詞“中國製造”、“日本製造”,甚至“德國製造”。
Again you may find the English words "Made in China", "Made in Japan", or even "Made in Germany".
4. 波音沒有選擇在中國製造飛機,不過它指出,該公司一直是中國製造的飛機部件的最大買家。
Boeing has chosen not to make planes in China, though it notes that it has been the biggest purchaser of made-in-China aviation parts.
5. 許多美國人和歐洲人都認為這年頭像“中國製造”遍地開花一樣,近期通貨膨脹的加劇也是“中國製造”。
MANY people in America and Europe think that the recent surge in inflation, like almost everything else these days, is "made in China".
6. 而且這個問題正變得國際化:加州人可以在他們的商店找到中國製造的鞋子,也可以在天空中發現中國製造的陰霾。
And the problem is becoming international: just as Californians can find Chinese-made shoes in their stores, they can now find Chinese-made haze in their skies.
7. 舉例說,許多中國製造出口到美國的工業製成品也包含一些日本和其他高工資水平經濟體所製造的部件,這些部件還是使那些製造它們的經濟體的工人受益。
For example, many of those made-in-China goods contain components made in Japan and other high-wage economies.
8. 在造成經濟損失的同時,“中國製造”問題更演變為一場信任危機,嚴重損害了中國產品的聲譽和中國的國際形象。
They seriously questioned some "problem products" made in China and a demonization cold "made in China" wind blows.
9. 目前,中國被稱為“世界製造工廠”,中國製造企業需要物流聯盟這種先進的物流組織模式。
Nowadays, China is called " the world manufacturing factory", so Chinese manufacture enterprises need the logistics alliance.
10. 因此,如何建立中國品牌的高品質形象,快速扭轉全球消費者對“中國製造”低質低價的印象,已成為考驗中國企業的難題之一。
However, in the world market our enterprises have an edge in low cost and quality products but lack world famous brand names.
This car is made in China.
This ship was made in China.
The plane is made in China.
This pen is made in China.
Both this plane and its engines are made in China.
But out of it will emerge an economy where Made in China is not just sold abroad, but bought athome too.
MANY people in America and Europe think that the recent surge in inflation, like almosteverything else these days, is “made in China”.
This is the largest generator ever made in China.
"In principle, an Indian company could settle its import of a gas turbine manufactured in China -as a current account item - with renminbi funds raised through a Eurobond issue," says Mr Liu.
China already manufactures more than half the world’s solar panels, but exports almost all of them.
Those made-in-China goods that account for the trade deficit: Whom do they beefit?
Furthermore, the prices that consumers pay for their Chinese-made toys, for example, do not only reflect production costs, but incorporate domestic transportation costs and store margins.
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