I fundamentally agree to work in the company s office other than work at home except for the case that I work for myself as a freelancer or home is actually the same place of the company.
First of all, I argue that work should be separated from personal life because work is actually a formal and serious task for individual so that one has to be responsible for the job. However, if working at home, it is inevitably possible that I would be disturbed by some trivial things. For instance, being disturbed by a salesman that knocks the door or an unpredictable phone that I have to answer. All such interruption of the work would make my work in mess, and thus I cannot concentrate myself into my work. So due to these drawbacks of working at home, I prefer to stay in the office where the atmosphere of a great passion for work will motivate me for a better job.
In addition, I don t think working at home is somehow more convenient as someone defences that it can save us a lot of time on the bus. Yet I argue that it is merely the superficial phenomenon that it seems our time is saved, because in fact, our patterns of life and work is damaged. When we are at home , we do not have to think about the annoying work done in the office if work belongs to office. But when home becomes a work place,the situation is different. It may be more than 8 hours before I finish my work since I would unconsciously spend more time in working when my office is actually my home. And the breakfast and lunch are likely to be done as simple as possible,which leaves all in a mess at home.So I doubt the advantage that working at home brings to me and I shall be suffering from the irregular life pattern.
On the other hand, office is ,in my view,an ideal place for work. We can operate and communicate face to face without phone or Internet that sometimes set a barrier between us. And although during the working hours, I would feel stressful, and continuously be conscientious in case the boss comes to trouble ,I would feel really released when I leave the office . It would be private time for me and home is where the hope is waiting. Therefore I prefer to work in the office for a more scientific and healthier pattern of life.
Thanks to the advancement of the Internet and modern communiation technologies, working at home has become a reality for some people. People now can work at home and readily connect themselves with the companies they work for by means of the Internet and other communicating devices. The set of photos above show us some typical pictures of people working at home.
Even since the advent of this new work pattern, many people highly appreciate and advocate it with great enthusiam, as working at home has some obvious advantages. The biggest advantage is that people can make a better balance between career and family. Since the working schedule becomes flexible, people can manage their own time more efficiently and take more care of their families.
In addition, working at home can free people from the sudden changes of weather,and the rush in heavy traffic. For the company, it will be able to reduce the cost by having smaller working space and less money used for daily routines in the offices. But as every coin has two sides, working at home also has some disadvantages, such as less human contact and development of loneliness. Besides,the biggest problem is the loss of team spirit, which is indispensable to the success of the company in the competitive society.
It can be said for sure that working at home will became an inevitable trend and that a greater number of people will like to work at home. But in my opinion,this work pattern is only suited to a certain number of people who can accomplish their work individually, and is limited to certain work fields. Enterprises should weigh the pros and cons before making a decision to allow theiremployees to work at home.
Certain companies, especially some small-scale businesses, start to encourage their staff to work from home or use home as their working base for at least part of the week nowadays. Some offer some forms of remote working support to their work-forces, such as equipping them with laptops and installing broadband, and others pay for the telephone bills for these workers.
This work pattern is popular because it’s clear that there are a number of benefits for these companies. First, it helps retain employees, especially highly- qualified working parents with childcare responsibilities. Second, it brings higher productivity because the employees have fewer interruptions and less commuting time. Last but not least it offers savings on premises and other facilities.
However, there are some potential drawbacks. For one thing, there is difficulty of managing home workers and monitoring their performance and difficulty of maintaining staff development and upgrading skills. For another, it may create a sense of isolation among home workers and it can be harder to maintain team spirit. Therefore, enterprises should weigh the pros and cons before permitting their employees to work at home.
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