Dear All TEA-Mates,
Today is the last day of 2006; it's time to wrap up the bygone.
Thank you so much for allowing me to sharing "Tea" with you!
From tomorrow on, I might not be able to serve tea personally.
But you still can taste it online; it'll be updated daily as usual.
Attached is beautiful song for you and me.
Once upon a time, we've been TEA-mates.
A happy ending of 2006 is to welcome a fresh 2007!
Wish you all a fruitful future & a tailored true life!
Keep in touch!
Happy New Year!
Sincerely Yours,
Saffron Yang
Dear Mr,BoB
How about your study recently?I miss you very much.I m glad to tell you that I have move my house just now. there are there bed rooms and a bathroom in my new house. I m so exciting because I will live in such a beatiful house.the room I like best is a small one. my room behind the living room .by living there I can enjoy the scene in the back of the window.
My best wishes to you!
My dear friend,
Thank you for everything during our time as roommates.I am very grateful that you introduced me to many friends and to the workplace.I also appreciate your patience whenever I complained.I hope you have a pleasant trip back to France.I send you my best wishes.
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