你知道嗎?下面都是小編收藏的 ,希望對你們有用。
In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someone’s home. Learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits.
The customs surrounding Chinese tables’ manners is ingrained with tradition, and some rules are not to be broken. Failing to understand and follow all of the rules could result in offending the chef and ending the night in an unfavorable way.
1. The food is served via large communal dishes, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main dishes to your own. You should use the communal chopsticks if they are supplied. If they are not or you are unsure, wait for someone to serve food to their own plate, and then copy what they do. On occasion, an eager Chinese host may place food into your bowl or on your plate. This is normal.
1. 食物是通過大的公用盤子盛裝的,基本上都會提供公用筷方便你將食物分到你自己的盤子裡。如果有公用筷子就用公共筷子分開食物。如果沒有公共筷,或是不確定是否有公共筷子,可以先等待,看其他人是怎麼做的,然後效仿就行。有時候熱心的中國主人會幫你將食物分到你的盤子裡,這很正常。
2. It is rude to not eat what you are given. If you are offered something you absolutely can't stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your plate. Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full.
2. 分到你盤子的食物你不吃是很失禮的。如果有些食物你真的吃不下可以先把其他能吃的吃掉,然後把不想吃的剩在盤子裡就行。通常盤子裡剩下一點兒食物說明你已經吃飽了。
3. Don't stab your chopsticks into your bowl of rice. As with any Buddhist culture, placing two chopsticks down in a bowl of rice is what happens at a funeral. By doing this, you indicate that you wish death upon those at the table.
3. 不要把筷子插在裝滿米飯的碗裡。因為在佛教文化裡,將雙筷插在碗裡是葬禮時的祭祀儀式。如果你在餐桌上這麼做,意味著你希望餐桌上在座的人死掉。
4. Do not play with your chopsticks, point at objects with them, or drum them on the table - this is rude. Do not tap them on the side of your dish, either, as this is used in restaurants to indicate that the food is taking too long, and it will offend your host.
4. 不要把玩筷子,比如用筷子指手畫腳,或是在桌上敲擊筷子,這些都是很失禮的,也切勿用筷子敲擊你的盤子,這在餐館裡是暗示上菜太慢,很有可能會觸怒待客的主人。
5. When setting down your chopsticks, place them horizontally on top of your plate, or place the ends on a chopstick rest. Do not set them on the table.
5. 當你想放下筷子時,要將筷子水平放置在你的盤子上,或者將筷子擱置在筷子架上,別將筷子放置在桌子上。
6. Hold the chopsticks in your right hand between the thumb and index finger, and when eating rice, place the small bowl in your left hand, holding it off the table.
6. 應該右手持筷,用大拇指和食指夾緊筷子。吃飯時,左手託碗,使碗離開桌面。
7. Do not stab anything with your chopsticks, unless you are cutting vegetables or similar. If you are in a small, intimate setting with friends, then stabbing smaller so as to grab items is okay, but never do this at a formal dinner or around those who adhere strictly to tradition.
7. 不要用筷子戳東西,除非是將大片蔬菜或其他食物分開。如果是跟親密朋友的小型聚餐,將食物用筷子分成小塊方便夾取是可以的,但在正式宴會上,或是同桌人都非常遵守傳統的場合千萬別這麼做。
8. When tapping glasses for a cheer, be sure that the edge of your drink is below that of a senior member, as you are not their equal. This will show respect.
8. 舉酒乾杯時要確定你酒杯裡酒的平面刻度要比在座的長者低,以顯示你們的輩分不同,這是為了向長輩表示尊重。
9. When eating something with bones, it is normal to spit them out onto the table to the right of your plate.
9. 在吃有骨頭的東西時,要將骨頭分離裝在你右手邊的盤子裡。
10. Do not get offended if your fellow diners eat with their mouth open, or talk with their mouth full. This is normal in China. Enjoy, laugh, and have fun.
10. 有時同桌的人嘴裡滿含食物跟你交談時不要覺得被冒犯了。在中國這比較正常,因為人們的理念就是吃飯時大聲歡歌,盡情享受。
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