英語的手抄報內容1:道歉 Apologize
I have a friend, her name is Lucy, I knew her when I was 4, she is my best friend. Sometimes we will argue for something, none of us want to say sorry, then we will not talk to each other for days. I am so afraid that we will lose our friendship, so I will always be the first one to apologize. Now we learn to understand each other.
英語的手抄報內容2:我的兒童節表演 My Performance on Children’s Day
Children’s Day is coming soon, I am so excited, because I will have a performance on that day. Last week, my teacher decided to make up a dance group in our class, she wanted us to dance. We are so happy and practice every day. Now we can dance well, on Children’s Day, we will present our best performance. I am so looking forward to it.
英語的手抄報內容3:朋友的到訪 Friend’s Visiting
Last week, a friend of mine came to visit me, I felt so surprised, because we lose touch for many years, he was my classmate when I was in primary school, now five years has passed, both of us have entered college. My friend told me that he was doing a research, he remembered my home address, so he came to visit me. We talked many things in primary school, it was a beautiful memory, both of us were naughty at that time, but we loved sport, we played the basketball match and won the first place. When the time he left, we made the deal to be gather for the next time.
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