able, about, above, baby, back, backache, cabbage, café, cake, daily
1. able adj. 能夠;有能力的,能幹的
【示例1】明天他能來。He will be able to come tomorrow.
【示例2】約翰•史密斯的確是位能幹的工程師。John Smith is really an able engineer.
【示例3】由於他病了,他不能來了。He is not able // unable to come since he is ill.
【比較】be able to和can:can只有現在時和過去時(could)兩種形式,沒有完成時和將來時,在shall, will, have等後面要用be able to;can不能和be able to連用;can表示客觀上具有的能力,但不一定去做,而be able to表示人通過努力或各種手段可以達到的能力;在過去時中,could表示具有能力,但不一定做了,而was/were able to則表示成功地做了。
【示例4】我們將能夠按時到達那裡。We shall be able to get there on time.
【示例5】我沒能找到丟失的鋼筆。I haven’t been able to find my missing pen.
【示例6】他能夠從火裡逃脫出來,但是他沒能逃出來。He could escape from the fire, but he wasn’t able to.
【示例7】He was ill, but he was still able to get a high mark in the test.他雖然病了,但還是能在考試中得高分。
2. about prep. 關於; 在…附近,在…周圍;adv. 大約; 在四處,在周圍
【示例1】告訴我一些關於你英語學習的情況。Tell me something about your English study.
【示例2】老人住在這附近某個地方。The old man lives somewhere about here.
【示例3】我們要在房子四周種樹。We will plant trees about the house.
【示例4】繼續搜查這個地方,他一定就在附近。Keep on searching this place. He must be somewhere about.
【示例5】最後我們發現需要大約200本書。At last we find that we need about 200 books.
【示例6】讓我們四處走走,好嗎?Let’s walk about, shall we?
【片語與短語】be about to即將;How about…? What about…?…怎麼樣?
【示例7】我們正要走,突然天下起雨來了。We were about to go when it suddenly rained.
【示例8】陪我出去散散步怎麼樣?How/What about going out for a walk with me?
【示例9】我吃過午飯了,你呢?I’ve had my lunch. How/What about you?
3. above adj. 上面的;prep. 在…上面;超出
【示例1】他就住在樓上的房間裡。He just lives in the room above.
【示例2】這隻鳥能飛得比雲彩還高。This bird can fly above the cloud.
【示例3】天氣預報說,今天得氣溫在零度以上。The weather report said the temperature was above 0℃ today.
【片語與短語】above all最重要的
【示例】最重要的是工作必須在九點以前由我們自己獨立完成。Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves.
4. baby n. 嬰兒,小寶寶(C)
【示例】別弄出任何聲音來。小寶寶在搖籃裡睡著了。Don’t make any noise. The baby is sleeping in the cradle.
5. back adj. 後面的,在後面的;adv. 向後;n. 背部,後背,後面(C)
【示例1】房子裡面有後門嗎?Is there a back door in the house?
【示例2】我們現在該回到學校了。We have to go back to our school now.
【示例3】湯姆坐在教室的後面。Tom sits at the back of the classroom.
6. backache n. 背痛(U)
【示例】我後背疼得厲害。I have a bad backache.
7. cabbage n. 捲心菜,洋白菜(C&U)
【示例】西紅柿,捲心菜,豌豆,你最喜歡什麼?Which do you like ***the*** best, tomatoes, cabbages, or peas?
【注意事項】tomato的複數加es,此外還有hero,potato;cabbage一般情況下是可數名詞,但在作菜餚講時,是不可數名詞,切記!例如:請吃點洋白菜。Please have some cabbage.
8. café n. 咖啡館,小餐館(快捷餐館)(C)
【示例】我們午飯通常是在附近的一家小餐館裡吃。We usually have our lunch at a nearby café.
9. cake n. 蛋糕(C&U)
【示例】我餓了,請給我帶點蛋糕來。I’m hungry. Please bring me some cakes.
【注意事項】同樣道理:cake平時是可數名詞,但具體指吃的時候就視作不可數名詞了。例如:我買了三個蛋糕。I bought three cakes.再例如:請再多吃點蛋糕。Please have some more cake.
10. daily adj. 每天的,日常的;adv. 每天,日常地;n. 日報(C)
【示例1】在我們的日常生活中我們經常需要用英語。We often need to use English in our daily life.
【示例2】她每天兩次去那裡。She goes there twice daily.
【示例3】這條新聞刊登在所有的日報上。This news is in all the dailies.
able, about, above, baby, back, backache, cabbage, café, cake, daily
1. able adj. 能夠;有能力的,能幹的
【示例1】明天他能來。He will be able to come tomorrow.
【示例2】約翰•史密斯的確是位能幹的工程師。John Smith is really an able engineer.
【示例3】由於他病了,他不能來了。He is not able // unable to come since he is ill.
【比較】be able to和can:can只有現在時和過去時(could)兩種形式,沒有完成時和將來時,在shall, will, have等後面要用be able to;can不能和be able to連用;can表示客觀上具有的能力,但不一定去做,而be able to表示人通過努力或各種手段可以達到的能力;在過去時中,could表示具有能力,但不一定做了,而was/were able to則表示成功地做了。
【示例5】我沒能找到丟失的鋼筆。I haven’t been able to find my missing pen.
【示例6】他能夠從火裡逃脫出來,但是他沒能逃出來。He could escape from the fire, but he wasn’t able to.
【示例7】He was ill, but he was still able to get a high mark in the test.他雖然病了,但還是能在考試中得高分。
2. about prep. 關於; 在…附近,在…周圍;adv. 大約; 在四處,在周圍
【示例2】老人住在這附近某個地方。The old man lives somewhere about here.
【示例3】我們要在房子四周種樹。We will plant trees about the house.
【示例4】繼續搜查這個地方,他一定就在附近。Keep on searching this place. He must be somewhere about.
【示例5】最後我們發現需要大約200本書。At last we find that we need about 200 books.
【示例6】讓我們四處走走,好嗎?Let’s walk about, shall we?
【片語與短語】be about to即將;How about…? What about…?…怎麼樣?
【示例7】我們正要走,突然天下起雨來了。We were about to go when it suddenly rained.
【示例8】陪我出去散散步怎麼樣?How/What about going out for a walk with me?
【示例9】我吃過午飯了,你呢?I’ve had my lunch. How/What about you?
3. above adj. 上面的;prep. 在…上面;超出
【示例1】他就住在樓上的房間裡。He just lives in the room above.
【示例2】這隻鳥能飛得比雲彩還高。This bird can fly above the cloud.
【示例3】天氣預報說,今天得氣溫在零度以上。The weather report said the temperature was above 0℃ today.
【片語與短語】above all最重要的
【示例】最重要的是工作必須在九點以前由我們自己獨立完成。Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves.
4. baby n. 嬰兒,小寶寶(C)
【示例】別弄出任何聲音來。小寶寶在搖籃裡睡著了。Don’t make any noise. The baby is sleeping in the cradle.
5. back adj. 後面的,在後面的;adv. 向後;n. 背部,後背,後面(C)
【示例1】房子裡面有後門嗎?Is there a back door in the house?
【示例2】我們現在該回到學校了。We have to go back to our school now.
【示例3】湯姆坐在教室的後面。Tom sits at the back of the classroom.
6. backache n. 背痛(U)
【示例】我後背疼得厲害。I have a bad backache.
7. cabbage n. 捲心菜,洋白菜(C&U)
【示例】西紅柿,捲心菜,豌豆,你最喜歡什麼?Which do you like ***the*** best, tomatoes, cabbages, or peas?
【注意事項】tomato的複數加es,此外還有hero,potato;cabbage一般情況下是可數名詞,但在作菜餚講時,是不可數名詞,切記!例如:請吃點洋白菜。Please have some cabbage.
8. café n. 咖啡館,小餐館(快捷餐館)(C)
【示例】我們午飯通常是在附近的一家小餐館裡吃。We usually have our lunch at a nearby café.
9. cake n. 蛋糕(C&U)
【示例】我餓了,請給我帶點蛋糕來。I’m hungry. Please bring me some cakes.
【注意事項】同樣道理:cake平時是可數名詞,但具體指吃的時候就視作不可數名詞了。例如:我買了三個蛋糕。I bought three cakes.再例如:請再多吃點蛋糕。Please have some more cake.
10. daily adj. 每天的,日常的;adv. 每天,日常地;n. 日報(C)
【示例1】在我們的日常生活中我們經常需要用英語。We often need to use English in our daily life.
【示例2】她每天兩次去那裡。She goes there twice daily.
【示例3】這條新聞刊登在所有的日報上。This news is in all the dailies.
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