I want you to know one thing 希望你知道
You know how this is 這是我的想法
If I look at the crystal moon 當我憑窗凝望
at the red branch 姍姍而來的秋日
of the slow autumn at my window 紅枝上的明月
If I touch near the fire 當我輕觸火堆旁
the impalpable ash, 似有似無的塵燼
or the wrinkled body of the log 或是褶皺層層的木柴
Everything carries me to you 我的心兒就會飛向你
As if everything that exists 似乎一切都有了
Aromas, light, medals, 芬芳,光明和榮譽
Or little boats that sail toward 就像小舟蕩向島嶼
those isles of your that wait for me, 那裡, 你等候著我
Well now. If little by little 然而,假若
You stop loving me, 你對我的愛情淡去
I shall stop loving you 我的愛火也會
Little by little. 漸漸熄滅.
If suddenly you forget me 如果瞬間你忘了我
Do not look for me 別來找我,
For I shall already have forgotten you. 因為我早已把你忘懷.
If you think it long and mad 我生命中
the wind of banners 過往的獵獵疾風
that passes through my life, 如果你嫌棄它過於悠長,瘋狂
And you decide to leave me 而決意離我而去
at the shore of the heart where I have roots, 在我愛情所深埋的心之岸
Remember, that on that day, at that hour, 記住, 彼時彼刻,
I shall lift my arms 我將舉起雙臂
And my roots will set off 搖斷愛的根脈,
to seek another land. 憩於他方.
But, if each day, each hour, 但是, 如果每時每刻
You feel that you are destined for me 如果你也感覺到你是我的真命天子
with implacable sweetness, 能共享奇妙的甜蜜
If each day a flower climbs 如果你迎向我的紅脣
up to your lips to seek me, 每天綻若鮮花
Ah my love, ah my own, 啊,我的愛人, 我心裡
in me all that fire is repeated, 所有的愛火將再度燃起,
In me nothing is extinguished or forgotten 永不會消失, 永不被忘記
My love feeds on your love, beloved, 我情因你愛而生, 愛人啊
And as long as you live 情長今生,
it will be in your arms without leaving mine. 不離你我臂彎.
Oh, to be in England now that April's there, 哦,英格蘭此時正值四月
And whoever wakesin England sees,some morningunaware, 那裡,清晨醒來,無論誰,都會在不經意間看到
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf 那低垂的樹枝和濃密的灌木叢
Round the elm--tree bole are in tiny leaf, 環繞在榆樹周圍,鬱鬱蔥蔥
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough 燕雀在果園的枝頭歌唱
In England--now! 英格蘭--就在此刻
And after April, when May follows 四月過去,五月來臨
And the white--throat builds, and all the swallows! 白喉雀,還有那些燕子為築巢忙碌
Hark, where my blossomed pear--tree in the hedge 籬笆旁我那繁華綻放的梨樹
Leans to the field and scatterss on the clover 依傍著田野,梨花帶露
Blossoms and dewdrops--at the bent spray's edge-- 在苜蓿草上飄飄灑灑--在彎曲的枝頭
That's the wise thrush :he sings each song twice over 聽,那是聰慧的畫眉鳥,正把每一支歌都唱上兩遍
Lest you should think he never could recapture 唯恐你誤認為,他再也不能
The first fine careless rapture! 捕獲到第一次那異常美妙、無憂無慮的欣喜
And, tho'the fields look rough with hoary dew, 原野覆著白露,悽清而蒼涼
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew 當正午的太陽重新喚醒金鳳花--那孩子們的嫁妝
The buttercups, the little children's dower 一切又重現歡樂的景象
--Far brighter than this gaudy melon--flower! --遠比這絢麗的天國花更明亮
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