


  第一部分 聽力測試***25分***


  *** ***1. A. . I have a headache. B.It is easy . C. It is beautiful.

  *** ***2. A.You’re wrong . B. You should say you are sorry.

  C.Don’t fight with him .

  *** ***3. A.Sorry, I don’t know B. Don’t be late for school

  C. My alarm didn’t go off

  *** ***4. A. I can play the piano. B. I was playing the piano.

  C. I’d like a piano.

  *** ***5. A. Very well. B. It’s dirty. C. Ok

  II.聽對話回答問題: 你將聽到六段對話,每段對話之後你將看到一個或幾個問題。請根據聽到的對話內容,選擇能回答所提問題的最佳答案。聽兩遍。共10小題,計10分。


  6. What was the matter with Li Hua?

  A. She had a cold. B. She had a sore back. C. She had a stomachache.


  7. What should the man do first?

  A. Live a better life. B. Get good grades. C. Find a good job.


  8. What will Li Lei bring for the picnic?

  A. Some food. B. Some drinks. C. Some cups.


  9. How is Bob looking?

  A. Sad and worried. B. Sad and tired. C. Tired and worried.

  10. What will Bob and Linda do?

  A. See the doctor. B. Stay at home. C. Take a rest.


  11.What should the boy do first?

  A. Clean the floor. B. Make his bed. C. Take out the rubbish.

  12. What does Mom say they need to buy?

  A. Some snacks and drinks. B. Some snacks and meat. C. Some meat and vegetables.


  13. What’s Jimmy’s problem?

  A. Peter made his dictionary dirty. B. He lost Peter’s dictionary again.

  C. Peter took his dictionary without asking.

  14. How did Jimmy solve the problem?

  A. He had a talk with Peter. B. He had a fight with Peter.

  C. He asked Peter to give his dictionary back.

  15. What does the girl tell Jimmy to do?

  A. To make friends with Peter. B. To ask his teacher for help.

  C. To take Peter’s things without asking.

  III. 聽短文選擇答案:你將聽到一段短文,然後你將看到5個問題,請根據聽到的短文內容選擇能回答所提問題的最佳答案。聽完短文之後你將有一分鐘時間回答所提問題。聽兩遍。共5題,計5分。

  16. Where did Jim and his friends go last week?

  A. To the river. B. To the mountains. C. To the forest.

  17. What happened to Jim half an hour later?

  A. He hurt himself. B. He lost his way. C. He felt tired.

  18. What caused the result?

  A. Jim walked too slowly to follow his friends.

  B. Jim walked fast alone and didn’t stay with his friends.

  C. Jim forgot to take his mobile phone.

  19. Who told Jim that he should stay where he is and shout for help?

  A. His friend. B. His father. C. His teacher .

  20. How did Jim and his friends feel at last?

  A. Surprised and upset. B. Happy and excited. C. Worried and afraid.

  IV. 聽短文填寫表格:你將聽到一段短文,請你根據短文內容,完成表格中的有關資訊。聽完短文之後你有一分鐘時間填寫表格內空缺的內容。聽兩遍。共5題,計5分。

  Name Volunteer work

  Rita To teach the homeless kids to 21.________.

  Fred, Rita’s 22.________ To visit sick kids in the hospital to 23. .

  Pierre To teach the primary school students to 24. .

  Jimmy To work in a***an*** 25.________ hospital on weekends.

  第二部分 語言知識及運用***30分***


  26. My father used to _________ up late, but now he is used to _________ up early.

  A. stay, get B. stayed, getting C. stay, getting D. staying, get

  27. ---Look! She is skiing so fast!

  ---It’s hard to _________ her legs were once broken.

  A. imagine B. agree C. understand D. decide

  28. He talked __________ yesterday and didn’t drink enough water.

  A. very much B. so many C. too much D. so few

  29. ---What’s your plan this afternoon?

  ---I am going to _________ signs to ask people to protect our environment.

  A. hand out B. put off C. give out D. put up

  30. ---Could you please do the dishes ?

  --- _________.

  A. Yes, I have to do my homework B. Sure, no problem

  C. Sorry, I’ll do them right away D. Sure, I’m going to clean my room

  31. The people in Ya’an met lots of difficulties, but they never _________ hope.

  A. gave out B. gave up C. gave off D. gave away

  32. ---Could you please_________ me your bike?

  ---Sorry, Wang Bin _________ it this morning and he didn’t return it.

  A. borrow, lent B. lend, borrow C. borrow, lent D. lend, borrowed

  33. The old woman lives ________ and often feels _________.

  A. alone, alone B. lonely, alone C. lonely, lonely D. alone, lonely

  34. He could not __________ a right answer, so he felt very sad.

  A. think about B. come up with C. think over D. think to

  35. _________ children there are in a family, _________ their life will be.

  A. The less; the better B. The fewer; the better

  C. The little; the richer D. More the; the poorer

  36. ---We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.

  --- Really? Will you please show me _________?

  A. what to use B. how to use it C. how can I use it D. what can I use

  37. I think he falls asleep already, _________ I’m not completely sure.

  A. even B. though C. because D. so

  38. __________ to shout angry words at me.

  A. It’s OK. B. That is no need C. There is no need D. Need to

  39. Will the hotel _________ free breakfast _________ the guests?

  A. provide; with B. provide; to C. offer; with D. offer; to

  40. --- It’s too hot. Would you mind my _________ the window ?

  --- _________. Do it as you like, please.

  A. to open; OK B. open; Good idea

  C. opening; Of course D. opening; Certainly not

  VI、完型填空: 先通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然後從各小題所給的四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案。共15小題,計15分。

  When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words 41 a message. People communicate ***交流*** with words. Do you think you can communicate 42 words? A smile 43 your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell __44 that you are sad. When you 45 your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something 46 ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying no. You nod and people know you are saying 47 .

  Other things can also give some information. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus 48 . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs PUSH or PULL on doors tell you 49 to go in or out. 50 you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages 51 them all the time? People can communicate 52 many other ways. 53 artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books 54 to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV and radio and films all help us to communicate with other people. They all help us to know 55 is going on in the world.

  *** ***41.A. take B. bring C. carry D. gives

  *** ***42.A. by B. with C. use D. without

  *** ***43. A. in B. on C. at D. over

  *** ***44.A. others B. the others C. other D. the other

  *** ***45. A. put on B. put out C. put up D. put down

  *** ***46. A. when B. or C. but D. if

  *** ***47. A. no B. hello C. yes D. nothing

  *** ***48. A. to get B. to choose C. to have D. to take

  *** ***49. A. which B. when C. how D. what

  *** ***50. A. Do B. Did C. Had D. Have

  *** ***51.A. from B. of C. about D. for

  *** ***52. A. with B. by C. without D. in

  *** ***53. A. / B. An C. A D. Some

  *** ***54. A. write B. wrote C. is written D. are written

  *** ***55.A. what B. which C. that D. who

  第三部分 閱讀與寫作***65分***

  VII、閱讀理解: 讀A、B兩篇短文,根據短文內容選擇最佳答案;讀C篇短文,將方框中的五個句子還原到短文當中。共15小題,計30分。


  Each nation has many good people who help to take care of others. For example, some high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages ***孤兒院*** or homes for the old. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visi t them and play games with them or listen to their problems.

  Other volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do their shopping or mow ***修整*** their lawns ***草坪***.For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on fishing trips and help the m to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.

  Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts. Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls.

  Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.

  *** *** 56. Where can you often find volunteers in the United States?

  A. At a bus stop. B. In a park. C. In a hospital. D. In a shop.

  *** *** 57. How do volunteers usually help those who are sick or old?

  A. They mow their lawns, do their shopping and clean up their house.

  B. They cook, sew or wash their clothes.

  C. They tell them stories and sing and dance for them.

  D. They clean and repair their cars.

  *** *** 58.What is Big Brothers?

  A. It’s the name of a club. B. It’s a home for children who have no brothers.

  C. It’s the name of a film. D. It’s an organization for boys who no longer have fathers.

  *** *** 59. Why do most of the boys’ and girls’ clubs use many high sch ool and college students as volunteers?

  A. Because they have a lot of free time.

  B. Because they can still remember what they felt when they were younger.

  C. Because they know how to do the w ork.

  D. Because they like younger boys and girls.

  *** *** 60. Volunteers think that ______________.

  A. they have got to be unhappy in order to make other people happy

  B. the happiest people in the world are those who make themselves happy

  C. the happiest people in the world are those who are young and healthy

  D. bringing happiness to others makes them the happiest people in the world


  We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know a bout the history of the Internet?

  Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks ***網路*** didn’t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system ***系統*** had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way the computer network system would keep on working all the time.

  At first, the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software ***軟體*** that made “surfing ***瀏覽***” the Internet more convenient ***方便***. Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.

  The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.

  *** *** 61. The Internet has a history of ______ years.

  A. about 40 B. less than 30 C. more than 45 D. nearly 35

  *** *** 62. Scientists set up a new network system to ______.

  A. make the computer cheaper B. make the system work well

  C. make the computer go well D. develop new software

  *** *** 63.The Internet was widely used in the ______

  A.1960s B.1970s C.1980s D.1990s

  *** *** 64.The underlined words “get on-line” in Chinese mean ______.

  A.上機 B.上網 C.接線 D.買電腦

  *** *** 65.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. In the 1960s computer network system went wrong easily.

  B. Computers are much cheaper than before.

  C. Today the Internet is used everywhere.

  D. People had enough software to get on-line thirty years ago.


  A. That’s a life lesson that changes as you get older

  B. Volunteering isn’t just about work

  C. The last one is called volunteering

  D. The idea of sharing takes on a new meaning

  E. You can pass them on to others who cannot buy them

  When you were very young, you liked to play with your friends. Did you find that playtime was always more fun when everyone shared the toys? Everyone got a turn. No one was left out.

  66. ______. As you grow up, you begin to understand that others have less than you do - in China and in the world. And that those of us who “have” things should help those who “have less” than we do. 67. ________.

  At your age, you can “share “ with people in need in three ways.

  ★ You can give them a part of your money. Many adults do that regularly.

  ★ You can share items***物品*** you no longer use, such as clothing and toys. 68. ______.

  ★ You can help people by giving your time and your energy.

  69. ________. Volunteering is about giving your time to take part in activities that will help others. Every year, many thousands of volunteers in the world give the most valuable gift of all. They give their time. They give their talent. They give of themselves. And they are enjoying it. 70. _________. It’s about fun too.



  71. I’m not good at English, so I have problems u______ what our English teacher says in class.

  72. Many people don’t know the i____________ of health until they are ill.

  73. “Life is like going on a long j________,” my grandpa used to say to me.

  74. All the _________ /ˈpæsindʒəz / on the bus liked the driver because he was friendly.

  75. The police are now in ____________ / kənˈtrəul / of the situation.

  76. My computer doesn’t work. Could you please help me ________ / riˈpeə***r*** / it?

  77. There are two old _____***小刀*** on the table in the kitchen. We can use them to cut up the apples.

  78. He looked at the results with a smile of _____________***滿意***.

  79. The bottle ________ ***落下*** on the floor, but it didn’t break into pieces.

  80. We began to learn English two years ago, so we can learn English by _____***我們自己*** now.



  The use of the Internet ________________ for us to shop at home.


  ________________ your help, I finished the work on time.


  This movie _____________________ to my life.


  We ____________________________ homeless people to help them.

  85、你同意人們經常不幫助別人,是因為他們不想給自己造成麻煩嗎? ***get***

  Do you agree that people often do not help others because they do not want to ___________?


  86、你看過類似的老人跌倒無人理會的新聞嗎?你聽說過最美女教師救她的學生的故事嗎?對這兩種社會現象,你有什麼看法呢?請你以“Would you like to help others?”為題寫一篇短文。


  1. 你對上面其中一件事的看法。

  2. 如果你遇到了這樣的事情會怎樣做。

  3. 講述你的一次類似經歷。

  作文要求:1. 詞數80個左右,不得逐字逐句翻譯。 2. 條理清晰,語句連貫。


  I. 聽句子選擇圖片:你將聽到五個句子,請你根據聽到的內容,選擇五幅相應的圖片。每個句子後你有5秒鐘的答題時間。聽一遍。

  1. David had a fever yesterday, so he went to see a doctor.

  2. Joe volunteers to help the children with their English .

  3. Maria has to sweep the floor after school every day.

  4. My friend Tom argued with his classmate Jack yesterday.

  5. My mother was cooking dinner when I came back home.

  II. 聽對話回答問題:你將聽到六段對話,每段對話之後你將看到一個或幾個問題。請根




  W:I saw Li Hua eat some medicine this morning.

  M:Oh, she went out yesterday evening and got a cold..


  W:Do you want to live a better life?

  M:Of course. But I should find a good job first.


  W: Hi, Wang Tao! What about having a picnic this Sunday?

  M: Good idea. I’ll take some food. Could you please bring some drinks, Li Mei?

  W: No problem.


  W: Bob, why are you looking sad and tired?

  M: I have a stomachache, Linda.

  W: Oh, I see. I can go to see the doctor with you.

  M: Thank you very much.


  M:Mom, my friends will come to my birth day party. Could you please help me clean the house?

  W:No problem. Let’s begin now.

  M:But what should I do?

  W:Oh, my dear son, make your bed first, and then take out the rubbish.

  M: I see. After that, can I go to buy some snacks and drinks?

  W: Sure. We also need to buy some meat and vegetables.


  W:What’s the matter, Jimmy? You look so sad.

  M:I am angry with my classmate, Peter. He took my dictionary without asking again.

  W:Does he often do this?

  M:Yes, very often. He also takes other classmates’ things like that.

  W:That’s really a bad habit. So what did you do then?

  M:I had a fight with him. I told him that I was very angry about that. But that was no use to him.

  What should I do?

  W:I think you can ask your teacher for help to have a talk with him.

  III. 聽短文選擇答案:你將聽到一段短文,然後你將看到5個問題,請根據聽到的短文內容選擇能回答所提問題的最佳答案。聽完短文之後你有一分鐘時間回答所提問題。聽兩遍。

  Last week Jim and his friends went to the forest. At first, they had a good time. Half an hour later, Jim got lost and couldn’t find his friends. It was all because he walked fast alone and didn’t stay with the others. He was very afraid. But he knew he couldn’t find his friends. At that time, he remembered that their teacher told them that if anyone gets lost, they should stay where they are and shout for help. So he did like that. Before he was too thirsty to shout, his friend heard him and came up to him. When they saw each other, they were happy and excited.

  IV. 聽短文填寫表格:你將聽到一段短文,請你根據短文內容,完成表格中的有關資訊。聽完短文之後你有一分鐘時間填寫表格內空缺的內容。聽兩遍。

  My name is Rita. I’m a student at the Happy Time Middle School. Most of the students in our school volunteer to do something in the free time. I like drawing and I often teach the homeless kids to draw. My best friend Fred likes reading funny stories and he is good at telling stories and jokes, so he often visits sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. My classmate Pierre enjoys playing football very much and he teaches the primary school students to play football. Pierre’s friend Jimmy loves animals and he works in an animal hospital on weekends. All of us are very happy because we can help others.



  I. 1-5 CEFAB II. 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 BCCBB III. 16-20 CBBCB


  IV.21. draw 22. best friend 23. cheer them up 24. play football 25. animal


  V.單項選擇:26~40每小題1分。 與所給答案不符的不得分。

  26-30 CACDB 31-35 BDDBB 36-40 BBCDD


  41-45 CDBAC 46-50 BCDCD 51-55 ADBDA


  56-60 CADBD 61-65 CBBBD 66-70. ADECB


  71.understanding 72. importance 73. journey 74. passengers 75. control

  76. repair 77. knives 78. satisfaction 79. dropped 80. ourselves


  A.完成句子:81~85每小題2分。單詞拼寫錯誤兩處扣1分 ***按本大題累計扣分***,


  81. makes it possible 82. Thanks to 83. made a big difference

  84. decided to raise money for 85. get into trouble


  評分細則:1.本大題共15分, 按4個檔次給分。評分時先根據短文內容和語言表達的準確程度進檔,然後根據細節確定分數。 2.完整表達一條好處得2.5至3分。 3.書寫工整1分。詞數不夠扣3至5分。


  第一檔: ***13-15分***能涵蓋所有要點並有個人觀點,行文連貫,語言流暢,無語法和習慣用法錯誤。


  第三檔:***5-8分*** 能涵蓋大部分要點並有個人觀點,但行文不夠連貫,並有少量語法和習慣表達錯誤。

  第四檔:***0-4分*** 只表達了一、兩個要點,語言錯誤比較多,但有個別句子可讀。

  Would y ou like to help others?

  After reading the news, I felt very sad. Why didn’t people help the old man? The things they did were so terrible! We need to help each other, don’t we? I think if I meet this kind of thing, I will call the police and try my best to help the old man. Last year, on my way to school, I saw a car accident happen. I stopped and called the police and asked other people to help the woman who was injured. At last, she was saved.

  If we help each other every day, our world will be warmer and more beautiful.