1. How long have you been skating?你滑冰有多長時間了?
2. I’ve been skating since nine o’clock./since I was four years old.
3. I’ve been skating for five hours.我一直滑了五小時 。
4. Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours.
5. For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.
6. My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them.
7. I particularly love globes with animals. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me.
8. By the way, what’s your hobby? 順便問一下,你的業餘愛好是什麼?
9. I’m interested in the job as a writer.我對這份當作者的工作很感興趣。
10. How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? 你能想起多少中國朝代?
11. There is some European influence in the city, and some of the old buildings in Harbin are in Russian style.這個城市有歐洲文化的影響,而且哈爾濱的一些老建築還是俄羅斯風格的。
12. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese culture, the more I enjoy living in China.
13. And although I live quite far from Beijing, I’m certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2008.
轉述他人話語:What did sb. say? He said I …She said she…They said…
1. 許老師告訴我徐夢蝶會說二種語言。Mr. Xu told me that XuMengdie could speak three languages.
2. 許老師說地球繞著太陽轉。Mr. Xu said thatthe earth turns around the sun.
3. 許老師告訴我他將去北京。She told me he would go to Beijing the next day.
4. 許老師說歐洋正在做作業Mr. Xu said OuYang was doing his homework at that time.
5. 許老師說王碩研勤奮。Mr. Xu said Wang Shuoyan was hard-working.
6. 在英語上,與聽相比,我更擅長於讀。In English, I’m better at reading than listening.
7. 情況怎樣?How’s it going?
8. 她不想再當我最好的朋友了。She didn’t want to be my best friend anymore.
9. I said it would start a bad habit , and that she would do her own work.
10. That’s about all the news I have now. Mum and Dad send their love.
11. She said helping others changed her life.
12. Young people today need to experience different things
13. I can open up my students’ eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.
1. What were you doing when the UFO landed?當不明飛行物著陸時,你正在幹啥?
2. While my mother was cooking ,I was watching TV.當媽媽正在做飯時,我在看電視。
3. I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me.
4. You can image how strange it was.
5.I followed it to see where it was going.
6. Isn’t that amazing!
7. She didn’t thinking about looking outside the station.
8.I was so tired this morning. It was difficult to get out of the bed.
Unit 4He said I was hard-working
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