


  主動語態比被動語態直接而有力,多用主動語態,可以使文章充滿朝氣,呈現活力。在下列兩組句子中, ***b***比***a***有力:

  ***1***a.My first visit to New Zealand will always be remembered by me.

  b. I will always remember my first visit to New Zealand.

  ***2***a.The crowing of cocks could be heard at dawn.

  b. The cocks' crow came with dawn.

  雖然如此,在某些情況下,非用被動語態不可。前此已提過這事,這裡不再重述。這裡只有指出其中一點,就是有些動詞,如 "base, schedule, expect, suppose" 等,通常以被動語態形式出現。


  ***1***This survey was based on facts.

  ***2***The last train is scheduled to leave at 9pm.

  ***3***You are expected to come on time.

  ***4***All are supposed to work hard.



  ***1***Helen's left lung is infected.

  ***2***He is confined to the house by illness.

  ***3***The old man was seized with sudden chest pains.


  ***4***I am completely exhausted after the game.

  ***5***Tom was done up after the race.


  ***6***The children were fascinated by the toys.

  ***7***We were delighted to hear the good news.

  ***8***I am very pleased to see you here.


  ***9***The workers were held up by the heavy rain.

  ***10***The road was blocked by ice.

  ***11***The train was delayed by 30 minutes.


  ***12***Tom is addicted to smoking.

  ***13***Foreign workers are quite used to hard work.


  ***14***Who was upset by John?

  ***15***Mother was annoyed to know this.


  ***16***I was surprised to see him here.

  ***17***All were shocked to hear the bad news.


  ***18***The troops were surrounded.

  ***19***Troy was besieged.


  ***20***Judy's reputation is tarnished.

  ***21***The water was contaminated with oil.


  ***22***All were frightened out of their wits.

  ***23***He was puzzled about what to do next.





  從結構上說,英語連線詞分兩大類:並列連詞***coordinating conjunctions***和從屬連詞***subordinating conjunctions***。

  並列連詞連線兩個或兩個以上地位平等的字、片語或分句。例如:***1***Air and water are indispensable to me.

  ***2***She likes going out with friends or playing outdoor games.

  ***3***Most workers have a good income, so they look very happy.


  ***4***He said that he did not want to go .

  ***5***Many things have happened since I last saw him.

  ***6***You may come if you want to.


  ***1***This book may be used both as a text as well as a reference book.

  這裡的“as well as”和“both”不能搭配,應該將“as well ”改為“and”,使“both……and……”變成關聯連詞*** correlative conjunction***

  ***2***He not only speaks Mandarin but also English.

  這裡的“not only”應該移到“speaks”後面,使這個動詞兼顧兩個等立賓語:“Mandarin”和“English”。

  ***3***Although he is fat, but he is very weak.

  英語裡的“although”和“but”是不見面的 ,因此這句裡的“ but”要去掉,不然“although”就要出來。

  ***4***Jim is not so strong like you.

  這裡的“not so”必須和“as”連成一體;介詞“like”是不適宜的。

  ***5***No sooner had we reached our destination, they left.

  "No sooner"必須和"than" 配成關聯連詞,把"than" 省掉是不對的,應該補上:

  No sooner had we reached our destination than they left.

  這句子的意思也可透過“as soon as”反映出來:

  “As soon as we reached our destination, they left.”

  ***6***I took a taxi and which took me to the station.

  這裡的並列連詞“and”是多餘的,必須去掉。如果要保留“and ”也可,但是形容詞分句裡的關係代詞“Which”要改成主語“it” ,使整個句子變成並列分句如下:

  I took a taxi and it took me to the station.

  ***7***My friend came up to me and held my hand, said good-bye excitedly.


  My friend came up to me, held my hand, and said good-bye excitedly.


  My friend came up to me and held my hand, saying good-bye excitedly.