1. We’re all by ourselves.
2. I fell a little afraid.
3. Don’t be afraid.
4. Help!
5. Can’t you hear anything?
6. I can’t hear anything / anybody there.
7. Maybe it’s a tiger.
8. Let’s get it back before they eat the food.
9. Did she learn all by herself?
10. Could she swim when she was …years old?
11. She didn’t hurt herself.
12. He couldn’t buy himself many nice things.
13. Did he enjoy himself?
14. Help yourselves.
15. Bad luck!
16. Come on!
17. Well done! Congratulations ***to…***!
18. It must be very interesting.
19. I don’t think you’ll like it.
20. It seems to be an interesting book.
21. I’m sure ***that***… I’m not sure if… I’m not sure what to…
22. I hope so.
23. What was he/she drawing when…?
24. I’m sorry to trouble you.
25. Would you please…?
26. What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning?
27. You look tired today.
28. You’d better go to bed early tonight, if you can.
29. How kind!
30. Let’s move the bag, or it may cause an accident.
31. It’s really nice of you.
32. Don’t mention it.
33. Don’t crowd around him.
1. We’d better not do sth.
2. leave one. oneself
3. find one’s way to a place
4. stand on one’s head
5. make sb. Happy
6. catch up with sb.
7. pass on sth. to somebody
8. spend time doing sth.
9. go on doing sth.
10. get on well with sb.
11. be angry with sb.
12. be fed up with sth.
13. not…until…
14. make room for sb.
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