

  :Can you play the guitar


  1.“play + the + 樂器類名詞”結構的短語有:

  play the guitar彈吉他 play the piano彈鋼琴play the drums敲鼓

  play the trumpet吹喇叭play the violin拉小提琴

  2. “play + 棋牌類名詞”結構的短語有***名詞前不要冠詞***:

  play chess下國際象棋 play cards 打牌

  3. 本單元中出現的各種俱樂部:

  art club美術俱樂部 English club英語俱樂部chess club國際象棋俱樂部

  music club音樂俱樂部swimming club游泳俱樂部 basketball club籃球俱樂部

  表示“加入……俱樂部”用join…club,如:join the music club參加音樂俱樂部

        4. “speak + 語言類名詞”表示“說某種語言”,如:speak English說英語

  5. want to do sth.想做某事 6. be good with kids擅長與孩子打交道

  7. help sb. with sth.幫助某人某事

  8. school musical festival學校音樂節

  9. call sb. at + 電話號碼 撥……號碼找某人

  call Zhang Heng at 622-6033撥622-6033找張衡

  10. rock band搖滾樂隊

       11. school show學校公演功夫

       12. a little一點,少量

  句型:Can you dance? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

  Can he paint? Yes, he can./ No, he can’t.

  Can she speak English? Yes, she can./No, she can’t.

  What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.

  I want to join the basketball club.

  What can you do? I can play the guitar.

  Are you good with kids?

  Can you help kids with swimming? Come and join us!

  Musicians wanted for school music festival.

  Can you draw? Yes, a little. I want to learn about art.

  Do you have an e-mail address?

  語法:一般疑問句總結:be動詞提前型,句首加助動詞do/does型,can/could/may/will/would等情態動詞開頭型, 回答一律用yes/No回答。注意,助動詞和情態動詞後接動詞一定用原形。


       1、join與 join in 的區別

  join 參加,指參加某項活動

  join in 加入 著重加入某種組織,團體,政黨併成為其中一員。

  2、help sb do sth/help sb with doing sth 幫助某人做某事

  3、be good at=be well in 在……擅長,擅長於

  be good for 對…… 有好處

  be good with 和……相處的很好

  4、learn about sth 學習有關於……


  1. can引導的一般疑問句及相應的答語

  —Can you paint? —Yes, I can. —Can you swim? —No,I can’t.

  2. What + 名詞 + do sb. do sth? What club do you want to join?

  3. What can sb. do? What can you do?

  4. 由but連線而成的並列句 Tom can play the guitar but he can’t play it very well.

  5. 以動詞原形開頭的祈使句 Come and join us! Come and show us!

  6. 詢問對方姓名: May I know your name? What’s your last name?

  7. How old + be動詞 + sb.? How old are you?

  8. do引導的一般疑問句 Do you have an e-mail address?

  9. 常見的表示感謝的用語 Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thank you very much.

  10. Why do sb. do sth?是詢問原因的句型Why do you want to join the club?

  :Do you want to go to a movie


  1. go to a movie 去看電影 同義表達有:go to movies

  go to the cinema go to see a film

  2. action movie 動作片3. want to do sth. 想做某事 want to go to a movie 想看電影 want to see a comedy 想看喜劇片

  4. Beijing Opera 京劇 5. Chinese history 中國歷史

  6. my favorite actor 我最喜歡的演員a great actor 一位偉大的演員

  7.a very successful thriller一部非常成功的恐怖a very successful comedy一部非常有趣的喜劇片 8. a new movie 一部新電影 9. on weekends 在週末

  10. Shaolin Temple 少林寺


  Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

  Does he want to go to a movie? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

  What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies.

  I like thrillers and l like Beijing Opera.

  I like comedies but I don’t like documentaries.

  She often goes to see Chinese action movies on weekends.

  She thinks she can learn about Chinese history.

  He really likes his movies.

  Mike’ father likes it, too! = Mike’s father also like it.

  I think it’s boring/exciting/interesting/relaxing.

  She is bored/excited/interested/relaxed.

  語法:too, also也,都用於肯定句中,但是also用於句中,too用於句末,且用逗號隔開。


  1. Do/Does sb. want to do sth.? Do you want to go to a movie?

  2. sb. want to do sth. I want to see a comedy.

  3. What kind of movies do/does sb. like? What kind of movies do you like?

  4. sb. like***s*** sth. and sb. like***s*** sth.

  I like thrillers and I like action movies.

  Guo Peng likes comedies and he likes Beijing Opera.

  5. sb. like sth. but sb. don’t /doesn’t like sth.

  I like thrillers but I don’t like comedies.

  Maria likes thrillers but she doesn’t like comedies.

  6. sb. think***s*** sth. +be動詞 +adj. She thinks they are very exciting.

  sb. often do sth. with sb. She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.