Dear XXX
I am sorry for the late contract. I already mail it to your company but the EMS ***Enhanced Message Service*** said it would take three mouths to get to XXX***國家名***. I would track the package. If there is any question, feel free to contact us.
Dear XX,
Good day to you! We checked with EMS, they told us generally need taking three months to post documents to your adress. So we are apologized to you for contract being late to your company, but we will push EMS to send it to you as soon as possible, and update informations to you once available. Pls don't hesitate to contact with us if you have any doubt, tks.
Best regards.
March 20, 2011
Dear Mr. **,
I feel so sorry that my manager would be unable to perform your agreement of meeting on Friday. Please forgive us for he have got something urgent to Beijing.My manager also feels guilty for it and suggests If you would give us a chance, we hope to put off the meeting in next Monday. I must genuinely make an apology to you for my failure of keeping my promise again.
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