關於大學經典英語小笑話:Doctor and lawyer
A doctor and a lawyer in two cars collided on a country road. The lawyer, seeing that the doctorwas a little shaken up, offered him a drink from his flask.
The doctor accepted and handed the flask back to the lawyer.
"Aren't you going to have a drink yourself?" asked the doctor.
"Sure; after the police leave," replied the lawyer.
關於大學經典英語小笑話:Two attorneys
Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they brought out sandwichesfrom their briefcases and started to eat. The owner marched over and told them, "You can't eatyour own sandwiches here!"
The attorneys looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and then exchangedsandwiches.
兩個律師走進一個餐廳要了兩杯飲料,從手提箱中拿出三明治開始吃起來 。餐廳老闆走過來警告說,“你們不能在這裡吃自己的三明治。”
關於大學經典英語小笑話:Lawyer's answer
A housewife, an accountant and a lawyer were asked "How much is 2+2?"
The housewife replies: "Four!".
The accountant says: "I think it's either 3 or 4. Let me run those figures through my calculatorone more time."
The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the lights and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do youwant it to be?"
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