a man of actions
a crowd of student was gathered on the campus of oxford university. “you can have no doubt,” shouted a young man excitedly, “that if the dean does not take back what he said to me this morning, i’ll leave oxford this very evening!”
a buzzing noise followed. “what a man of actions!” one said in admiration. “how should we support him and learn from him!” said another.
suddenly, a girl asked, “what did the dean say to you, hob?”
he bent and whispered to her, “well,er???er???miss rose, er???he told me to get clean away from oxford this very evening!”
quick cleanup 快速清掃
unexpected guests were on the way, and my mother, an impeccable housekeeper, rushed around straightening up. she put my father and brother to work cleaning the guest bathroom. later, when she went to inspect it, she was surprised that the once-cluttered room had been tidied up so quickly. then she saw the note on the closed shower curtains. it read "thank you for not looking in the bathtub."
how do i get the gum out我怎麼把口香糖取出來
distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. when the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, "i'm meeting my wife right away. how do i get the gum out from my ears?"
當空中小姐給乘客們發口香糖的時候,她解釋說口香糖有助於他們防止耳鳴。飛機著陸後,一位乘客跑到這位空中小姐面前,說道:“ 我馬上就要見到我妻子了。我怎麼才能把口香糖從耳朵裡面取出來呢?”
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