A fellow pilot flying over the Midwest heard an air-traffic controller trying to contact an airliner for normal frequency change.“Flight 354,“said the controller,"contact Kansas City Center on frequency 135.5.“The request was repeated several times with no reply from the pilot.
Finally,in exasperation the controller raised his voice."Flight 354,Simon says contact Kansas City Center on frequency 135.5.”The call was acknowledged with an emharrassed reply and prompt compliance.
最後,指揮塔的指揮員顯然是被激怒了,他大聲地銳:"354航班,西蒙說速與135. 5預率聯絡。”這一聲顯然奏效,只聽對方慌忙地做了回答並迅速服從了指揮。”
As a young lawyer working on my first big case,I was sitting in federal district court watching a prominent attorney question a witness. The attorney was trying,unsuc-cessfully, to elicit certain information. Finally the judge turned to the witness and asked a question that prompted the appropriate response.
"Thank you,Your Honor,"the attorney said. "How is it that you were able.to get the crux of the matter with one question after I had tried three times?"
"Easy,"replied the judge. "I'm not paid by the hour.”
We own a small foreign car,the hinges of which are exposed to the weather and sometimes squeak. One day I was oiling the hinges when our landlord walked by.”What are you trying to do?"he asked. "Take the foreign accent out of it?"
Conversation between mother and child:
"Can I have a chocolate-chip cookie?"
"How do you ask?"
"May I have a chocolate-chip cookie?"
"What do you say?"
"May I please have a chocolate-chip cookie?"
"No. It's too close to supper."
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