關於高中生英語笑話:Early Shopper
It was Christmas and the judge was in a benevolent***仁慈的*** mood as he questioned the prisoner. "What are you charged with?" he asked.
"Doing my christmas shopping early," replied the defendant.
"That's no offense," replied the judge, "How early were you doing this shopping?"
"Before the store opened," countered***反擊,反對*** the prisoner.
關於高中生英語笑話:One Side of the Case 我們只聽一面之辭
A judge asked our group of potential jurors***陪審員*** whether anyone should be excused, and one man raised his hand. "I can't hear out of my left ear," the man told the judge. "Can you hear out of your right ear?" the judge asked. The man nodded his head. "You'll be allowed to serve on the jury," the judge declared. "We only listen to one side of the case at a time."
一位法官問我們這群修補陪審員是否有人應當免權,一個人舉起了手。 “我的左耳聽不見。”那人告訴法官。 “你的右邊耳朵聽得見嗎?”法官問道,那人點了點頭。 “你將被允許加入陪審團,”法官宣佈,“我們每次只聽一面之辭。”
關於高中生英語笑話:What my daddy does
A grade school teacher was asking students what their parents did for a living.
Timmy stood up and said, "My mom is a Doctor!"
Sarah stood up and said, "My father is a Professor!"
Little Johnny stood up and said, "My dad is a piano player in a whorehouse***青樓*** !"
The teacher couldn't believe what she had just heard, so she made a point of***重視,強調***calling Little Johnny's father that evening.
When she told him what Little Johnny had said, he told her, "Actually,.... I'm an attorney, but how I'm I supposed to explain that to a seven year old?"
關於高中生英語笑話:Both Attorneys Have Been Identified
"You are a cheat!" shouted the attorney to his opponent. "And you're a liar!" bellowedthe opposition. Banging his gavel sharply, His Honor interrupted: "All right, now that both attorneys have been identified, let's get on with this case."
關於高中生英語笑話:Speed Limit
he British RAF base where I was stationed***駐紮,配置*** as part of a contingent***分遣隊,偶然事件*** of USAF personnel had one narrow road winding through***蜿蜒穿過*** the crowded residential area. After a rash of minor vehicle pedestrian***行人*** accidents, the USAF commander decided to reduce the speed limit to three m.p.h.
Shortly after the new limit was posted, an MP sergeant issued a speeding citation***引用,傳票*** to a jeep driver for going five m.p.h. I was curious to know how the MP had determinedthe jeep's speed so exactly. "I was jogging***慢跑*** to get to the PX before it closed," he explained, "and as I passed the jeep, I noticed that the speedometer***速度計*** read five m.p.h."
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