John is not a "good" student. He always sleeps in the class. Today he sleeps again.
"John!" Teacher says angrily.
"What? What's wrong?" John is awaken1.
"Why do you make a face? It's classroom. Look! Everyone is laughing." Teacher says.
"No one is laughing." Teacher says.
"No, it's not me. I was not making a face. I was sleeping." John fells upset.
"Um. Not bad. You can admit your fault. You are still a good boy." Teacher is satisfied with it.
Tony and his father are eating dinner.
Suddenly Tony asks his father, "Dad, are flies yummy?"
Dad frowns and says, "No, I think it's yucky. Why do you ask me this question? It's a silly question."
But Tony says, "There was one fly in your plate."
The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours, then he started again, and said he: "Let me ask the evolutionist a question -- if we had tails like a baboon1, where are they?"
"I'll venture an answer," said an old lady, "We have worn them off sitting here so long.".
“我來試試看,”一位老太太說, “該是我們在這裡坐這麼久把它們磨掉了吧。”
Sorry 對不起
"I'm sorry, Madam, but I shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulling your boy's tooth."
"Twenty dollars! Why, I understand you to say that you charged only four dollars for such work!"
"Yes, but this youngster yelled so terribly that he scared four other patients out of the office."
A Forgetful Man 健忘
Tom was tired out, and he went to bed as soon as he reached home.
Suddenly it occurred1 to him that he had planned to do something that evening. As he could not remember what it was, he tossed2 and turned in his bed for along time.
Finally the thing came to his mind, "My God, the original plan was to go to bed early!" he said depressingly.
忽然,他想起原來晩上計劃做一件事,可他想不起來是什麼事,他輾轉反側了很長時間 。
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