I Will Not Sit on Santa's Lap
I will not sit on Santa's lap.
You cannot make me sit on it,
and if you try I promise that
I'll throw a screaming fit on it.
I will not talk to Santa;
I am simply too afraid of him.
I'm not impressed by all the songs
and movies that are made of him.
It really doesn't matter that
he's generous and jolly too.
It doesn't matter if his chair
is decked with boughs of holly too.
It makes no difference that he's loved
from here to Ethiopia.
I cannot sit with Santa.
I've got Santa Claustrophobia.
Fernando the Fearless
We're truly in awe of
Fernando the Fearless
who needed no net
for the flying trapeze.
Alas, what a shame
it's surpisingly difficult
catching a bar
in the midst of a sneeze.
Ode on a Unicycle
Unicycle, unicycle,
radiant and round.
Spying you, you spoke to me
without a single sound.
Unicycle, unicycle,
beautiful and kind,
like the petals on a flower
wheeling through my mind.
Unicycle, unicycle,
you're my one desire.
Losing you would break my heart.
Of you I'll never tire.
Unicycle, unicycle
always by my side.
That's, of course, because you are
impossible to ride.
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