


  店員: Welcome to the sports department! 歡迎來到運動品部!

  顧客: I want to buy a basketball, please. 我想買一個籃球。

  店員: No problem. We have very good Spalding basketballs in store. 沒問題。我們店裡有很好的斯伯丁籃球。

  顧客: What is the size? 大小是多少? 店員: It is officially sized NBA basketball. 它是符合NBA的籃球標準的。

  顧客: Great. 太好了。


  Benjamin: Hey, Terry, have all the players got here?

  Terry: Yeah, most of them have arrived. Don't worry. There are still 20 minutes left before the match.

  Benjamin: OK. By the way, the stadium is terrific.

  Terry: Of course. It's a newly-built one.

  Benjamin: We are lucky to play in a new stadium.

  ***20 minutes later the match begins. Terry and Benjamin are on the same team.*** Terry: Hurry up, Benjamin! Pass the ball to me. I'm good at shooting.

  Benjamin: Look out. Catch the ball. You should dunk besides the three-point line.

  ***Terry takes a shot and the referee whistles.***

  Terry: Oh, God! I didn't touch anybody. How can I commit a foul?

  Benjamin: Just calm down. It's just a turnover. Make up your mind and we can shoot well.

  Terry: Yes, I got it. Come on, Benjamin, don't let him get into the paint. Benjamin: No problem, I once played a 2-meter-high player successfully. Terry: Really? You must be…

  Benjamin: But that game he dunked over me for 13 times.

  Terry: That's interesting. Let's hurry up, we should beat them in the first half.

  Benjamin: Oh, look, what's happened to Jack? He sat down.

  Terry: He may be injured. Yes, come on, call the team doctor.


  Nathan, did you watch the basketball game between the Rockets and the Bulls? 內森.你看火箭隊和公牛隊的籃球比賽了嗎?內森:

  Certainly. What a terrific game it was!


  Can you tell me the result? Which team won?


  You didn`t watch it?


  I was working overtime last night. So I missed the game.


  That`s a pity. The Bullts beat the Rocket by 8 points


  How was Thomas`s play?


  Thomas had 16 points and seven rebounds.


  That sounds not bad.

